Symptomatic arterial hypertension

It is wrong to call symptomatic arterial hypertension a disease. This problem can only be regarded as a manifestation of a more serious disease, abnormalities in the work of organs or systems involved in the regulation of pressure. There arterial symptomatic hypertension is not so common. And yet, to know about some of their features will not be superfluous.

What is the cause of secondary arterial hypertension?

Diagnosis symptomatic arterial hypertension is put for many reasons. It is caused by a variety of diseases:

Classification of symptomatic arterial hypertension

Depending on what is causing the problem, specialists have developed a certain classification of secondary arterial hypertension. It looks like this:

  1. Hypertension caused by kidney disease is called renal or nephrogenic.
  2. Symptomatic endocrine arterial hypertension develops against the background of Cushing's syndrome, primary hyperaldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis.
  3. Hemodynamic hypertension is caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system (including diseases of large arterial vessels).
  4. If secondary symptomatic arterial hypertension develops against a background of a tumor or a brain injury, it is classified as centrogenic.
  5. It also happens that the problem becomes a consequence of the use of certain medications. Such symptomatic hypertension is commonly called iatrogenic.

The main symptoms and methods of diagnosis of symptomatic hypertension

Symptoms of secondary and normal arterial hypertension differ little. The only weighty difference - with symptomatic hypertension, the main signs of the problem are accompanied by manifestations of the disease that caused it.

And the main signs of hypertension are usually the following:

If symptomatic arterial hypertension is not diagnosed in time, complications can arise, among which:

Diagnosing the same secondary arterial hypertension can be done with the help of laboratory and instrumental studies:

Treatment of symptomatic arterial hypertension

To begin treatment of secondary arterial hypertension, it is necessary to find out what exactly caused its development. Then the fight with the disease-cause begins.

In parallel with taking medications, it is very desirable to adhere to a few simple rules during the treatment:

  1. You should reconsider your diet: exclude salt, pepper, fried and smoked dishes.
  2. In the daily routine, add walks in the fresh air.
  3. Do not be superfluous and easy sports training.