A bump on the head

The cone on the head represents a painful or painless swelling. Most often, the cone is the result of a bruise, but sometimes the formation arises, it would seem, for no reason. Let's try to figure out why a lump can form, and in what cases it does not pose a threat to health, and in which cases it is necessary to seek medical help.

The causes of the appearance of cones on the head

Most often, a bump on the head appears after a stroke. Do not notice the traumatic effect is almost impossible (except in cases when there was a loss of consciousness), so in this case, the victim rarely doubts the reason for this manifestation. In addition, the bump from injury:

A small cone on the head ( atheroma ) can be the result of blockage of skin pores, when the secret of the sebaceous glands is collected under the epidermis. Relatively soft to the touch, a cone and redness around it signals the formation of an abscess. Most often purulent melting is deep, and the surface comes out head. With severe inflammation, the cone hardens, and a person can have quite painful sensations and rise in temperature.

Lipoma or adipose is a loose growth that arises from the growth of subcutaneous fat. Often such a bump appears on the head from behind, closer to the neck or to the ears. Lipoma is quite harmless, but is considered a non-aesthetic cosmetic defect.

Fibroma is similar in appearance to the lipoma, except that it has a "leg" through which the tissues of the formation are fed.

Bright red lump (hemangioma) occurs due to the fusion of blood vessels. Education poses a health hazard due to the further development and destruction of nearby tissues. Most often the hemangioma is localized behind the ears, in the eye area and on the mucous surfaces.

Very dense to the touch cones on the head, including the back of the head, can be a manifestation of skin cancer, for example, melanoma.

Treatment of cones of various etiologies

The first 10-15 minutes after a head injury for the treatment of cones are applied cold. It is best to use a packaged (wrapped in a rag) of ice, but a towel or a piece of clothing that is soaked in cold water is also suitable. For greater effect when wetting the towel, you can use a salt solution (for 1 liter of cold water 3 tablespoons of salt). In consequence, we use resorbable and swelling ointments and gels:

If the lump on the head appears as a result of the development of atheroma, you should visit a doctor who, after appropriate tests, will determine the type of infection and prescribe appropriate therapy, including taking antibiotics, processing special education ointments. Molten abscess should be opened surgically with further treatment of the wound with antiseptics and the application of sterile dressings.

To get rid of lipoma or fibroids, you also need to seek help from a specialist who under local anesthesia will remove the education. Recently, the method of cryodestruction (destruction by low temperatures) and sclerotherapy (blocking blood circulation) is used to get rid of benign tumors. Unauthorized opening of the cone can lead to inflammation and even the degeneration of tissues into a malignant form.

Removal of hemangioma can only be performed by a surgeon. The tumor is removed by tissue excision or by laser. When using a laser method of removal, anesthesia is not required.

Malignant formations require prolonged systemic treatment under the supervision of an oncologist.