Dispenser for beverages

Most likely, you were lucky to visit at least once in your life at such a party , where snacks are organized in the form of a buffet, and drinks flow the river. In this case, most owners use dispensers for drinks - it is very convenient and raises the level of the event.

Principle of the dispenser for drinks

It's pretty simple - a liquid (a drink) is usually poured into a container (container). And in order to fill your glass, it's enough just to remove the gun from the hook, which is triggered by the trigger. This simple dispenser does not take much space, but will be met with success at any party. In this dispensary you can serve a wide variety of drinks - from simple beer to multi-component cocktails.

The so-called post-mix and pre-mix dispensaries are somewhat more complicated. So, in the first, the concentrate is mixed with water and the beverage is cooled, which makes it easy to prepare several types of juices and nectars. In pre-mix dispensers already prepared juices are cooled and given out portion by piece.

The most simple dispensers for juices, water and carbonated beverages are a dispenser with a long tube, which must be inserted into large containers of drinks. And you can adjust the required length of the dive, tighten, depending on the diameter of the neck (at least 30 mm) and use it for as long as the batteries are working (the dispenser works from 2 AAA batteries). Since the batteries are only used when the beverage is poured, which occurs when pressing on the lever and ends when it is released, then their action lasts for a long time.

You can use this dispensary for containers from 1.5 to 5 liters. The maximum immersion depth of the pump is 29 cm. The device is very convenient, since you no longer need to lift heavy containers of drinks to pour them into glasses, in addition, you and your children will not pour them past, which often happens with a wide neck and a large bottle .

Varieties of dispensers

Previously, we considered dispensers for cold drinks, in which the liquid was fed chilled. However, automatic dispensers for hot drinks, such as hot chocolate, coffee, cocoa and so on, are also widely used. In these devices a thermostat is installed, which ensures the maintenance of the required temperature.

Widespread use of such devices have been received in catering establishments - all kinds of cafes, fast foods and so on. However, you can buy it for household purposes and successfully treat your guests and the family with delicious hot drinks.

Dispensers for alcoholic beverages, for example, for wine, can be poured on the glasses directly from the bottle. The quality of the drink in the bottle, when using such a device, lasts much longer than with a conventional dispensing method. So, you can keep the quality of wine for several weeks unchanged, which you will not achieve with the standard storage of an already uncorked bottle.

Dispensers for alcoholic beverages are widely used in bars, restaurants, cafes. Although, if you want, you can purchase such a device for home use. It will definitely become the subject of attention of your guests, and you will be spared the need to constantly monitor the filling of their glasses - now the guests themselves can do this and at the same time enjoy the process.

By the way, any of the described options dispensers can be an excellent gift for a true gourmet and a lover to have parties at home.