When do puppies open their eyes?

Newborn puppies are born blind, because they are completely helpless and vulnerable. Mom takes care of them, feeds, lickens, takes care.

The owners, whose dogs are first-time puppies, are concerned when puppies open their eyes. Usually this happens 10-14 days after birth, regardless of the breed of the dog. The owner should know that the opening is from the inner corner and then to the outer one, until the whole eye gap is revealed. Sometimes at first one eye opens completely, after a while the second one. During this period, you need to protect your pets from the bright light. At first the baby will be able to distinguish only light and darkness. Only in time he will begin to see how an adult dog is. And although the question of how many days the puppies open their eyes, has a clear answer, but, nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that still each animal has a number of its features. In general, this process has its significance for the animal.

Why does the opening of the eyes in puppies take place not immediately?

Puppies' eyelids even after birth continue to develop, and their full development plays an important role in the health of the animal. After all, the eyelids perform several functions:

That is, when puppies open their eyes too early, then certain consequences are possible. For example, if they do not produce tears in the right amount, this will lead to the so-called "dry eye". This state can not be neglected. Usually, antibiotic treatment is required and special ointments are applied.

Problems that may interfere with the opening of the eyes

Sometimes the owner does not in vain worry about the issue, after how many days after the birth the puppies open their eyes . There are some reasons that can hamper this process. Because you need to carefully monitor the pets. If on the 15-18th day the puppy is still blind, it is better to contact the veterinarian to evaluate the condition of the pet. Since this may be a variant of the norm, the following problems are also possible:

Attentive owner will not be difficult to observe the pets and avoid problems with the eyes.