Feed Now for cats - how to choose the right one?

Feed for Now for cats is produced by the Canadian company Petcurean . Its main assortment is fresh boneless meat without sub-products and cereals. High quality level, observance of strict standards, maximum naturalness, minimum heat treatment, optimal proportion of protein and fat - all this makes Now the ideal choice for cats of all breeds and ages.

Now for cat series

Dry food for cats Now consists only of natural duck, turkey meat, salmon fillets, turkey, salmon, trout, fresh berries, vegetables and fruits - pumpkin, spinach, peas, cranberries, brown algae, carrots, lentils, alfalfa sprouts. There are absolutely no coloring agents, preservatives, meat grown on hormones, cereals. Completely balanced, it helps maintain good health of kittens and adult cats, and special series designed for pregnant, sterilized cats and eunuchs, helps them maintain a normal weight.

Now Fresh cat food

Cream for cats Now Fresh is offered in the following assortment:

  1. Non-grain feed for kittens with turkey and duck meat and vegetables (Frasch Grain Freie Kittеn Rеcipe). Suitable for kittens from the 5th week to the 1st year, for cats in the position and have already given birth. The presence of all the necessary for this age and the state of nutrients helps in the development, formation of bones and joints. Prebiotics provide good digestion, taurine supports vision and heart muscle, and omega-oils preserve the health of the skin and coat.
  2. Non-grain feed for adult cats with turkey, duck and vegetables (Frasch Grain Freе Adult Cаt Rеcipe). Balanced holistic, suitable for adult cats and cats. Strengthens immunity, supports healthy digestion, helps to maintain activity and excellent shape.
  3. Non-grain feed for adult cats with sensitive digestion based on salmon and trout fillets (Grin Fräe Fish Adult Raceipe CF). Does not contain starch, veal, soy or corn. Saturated Omega 3 and 6, oils of rapeseed and coconut.
  4. Non-grain feed for weight control in cats and cats with turkey, duck and vegetables (Frasch Grain Freе Sеnior Cаt Rеcipe). Recommended for animals older than 7 years, as well as cats of any age, prone to fatness.

Now Natural Holistic for cats

If you need the highest quality food, Now Natural Holistic cat food will definitely work. It is designed to meet the needs of animals of different ages and levels of activity. The advantages of Now for cats are exclusively natural ingredients, meat and vegetables of the highest class, absence of chemical impurities, bone meal and offal, cereal allergies. In addition, prebiotics and enzymes that improve digestion are introduced into the feed.

Now Senior cat food

For cats and kitties with a problem of excess weight or the risk of its occurrence, a special dry food Now for cats is developed - Frеsh Grаn Frеe Sеniоr . It is designed to control weight gain, being fully balanced and moderately nutritious. In its composition - fillet of turkey and duck with vegetables, and salmon without bones. It, like other Now feeds, does not contain grain crops and meat grown on hormones. Recommended for animals with a tendency to fullness and over the age of 7 years as a prophylaxis of unhealthy weight gain.

Feed Now for cats - how to choose the composition?

Dry grain-free fodder for cats Now is presented not in a wide range, but in only four series - for kittens, adult cats, cats with problem digestion and cats prone to fatness. They were described in more detail above. At the same time, the main effort of manufacturers is not directed to quantity, but to the quality of products. Any feed has a rich composition, which has everything you need.

The choice of composition depends on the age and health of your pet. In fact, everything that depends on you is the choice and purchase of one of the four options presented. The composition is designed to meet the needs of an animal according to its characteristics. Each of the feeds guarantees good digestion, healthy hair and teeth, lack of allergy, activity and excellent well-being of your pet.

Feed Now for adult cats

Adult cat food Now holistic Adult is developed on the basis of meat of ducks and turkeys. Added to them are vegetables and fruits (pumpkin, lentils, spinach, broccoli, apples, carrots, cranberries, bananas, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pineapple, papaya, grapefruit). This diet is chosen in such a way as to make the transition from childhood to adult nutrition mild, without a palpable discomfort for the pet.

Adult Feed Now for cats is different from similar products of other manufacturers producing a balanced composition of proteins and fats. In addition, it lacks wheat, rice and other grains, which often cause allergic reactions. This relationship was noticed around the 1980s, and during this period, the development of a non-grain diet for cats began.

Feed Now for neutered cats

As such, Now for castrated cats, Petcurean is not produced. However, the food for weight control in this case will suit the castrati. The feature of castrated animals is in their low mobility and their enthusiasm for food, because of what they quickly gain weight. Senior food is designed just for inactive cats. Its composition is designed to obtain with its help a normal amount of calories for a healthy lifestyle of the pet without the risk of growing fat.

Now for sterilized cats

All the same can be said about the Now feed for sterilized cats . Their feeding should not be excessive, recommended the use of special foods, such as Now Cat's feed for cats, which contains all the necessary minerals and organic substances, and does not lead to a set of excess weight. It is better to transfer the cat to this feed immediately after the operation, in order to prevent even the initial stage of obesity, which then is difficult to fight and which leads to other bad consequences for the health of the pet.

Now for kittens

The first and main ingredient included in the kitten feed Now Fresh Grain Free Kitten is turkey meat. Other sources of protein are eggs, salmon, and duck fillets. Vegetable proteins in the composition are absent, so that all the kitten protein is obtained from meat. Since the feed is grainless, sources of carbohydrates are potatoes and peas. For fatty acids, coconut and canola oils meet, and fruits and berries serve as sources of vitamins and minerals.

The composition and formula of the feed are designed so that the young organism can receive from day to day all the necessary substances for the development of the skeleton and internal organs, and the body has a stock of activity for games. Besides small kittens, this food is suitable for pregnant and nursing cats, whose wool will be healthy and shiny, and in the stomach will not form lumps of wool.