Tempalgin - indications for use

With pain syndromes of various origin and intensity, the well-known Tempalgin drug has long been used - the indications for the use of the drug are quite extensive. But, despite the high efficiency and relative safety, it can not be used by everyone.

Tablets Tempalgin - indications for use

The drug described is a combined non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Tempalgine is based on two substances - triacetonamine and metamizole sodium. The latter is an analgesic, while the first is a tranquilizer, which strengthens the analgesic and antipyretic effect, and also has a mild sedative effect. As auxiliary substances, cellulose, starch and natural dyes were added.

Due to this combination Tempalgin acts for a long time - how many and more expensive its analogs (up to 8 hours).

The main indications for use are mild and moderate pain syndromes, especially in combination with increased nervous excitability, the appearance of subfebrile body temperature. The drug is widely used as a part of combination therapy after surgical interventions, in the treatment of liver diseases (even chronic ones) and kidneys, as well as for the reduction of inflammatory processes during ARVI, infectious and viral pathologies.

Tempalgin - an application of toothache

Usually, such a pain syndrome does not pass for a long time and is sufficiently intense, therefore, in such situations, tablets take 2 pieces, without chewing and washing with a copious amount of water. The maximum dose is 6 capsules.

Tempalgin for headache

It should be noted that the medication in question does not help migraine and severe pain.

With a mild and moderate feeling of discomfort, the appearance of heaviness in the head, Tempalgin should take 1 tablet up to two times a day. Continue treatment for more than 5 days is not recommended, if the symptoms do not disappear, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Tempalgin with monthly

As a rule, algodismenorea is accompanied by painful, aching pain in the lower abdomen. To get rid of the symptoms of the disease, it is enough to take 1 tablet of Tempalgine on demand. Do not drink more than 5 capsules a day. In the case where this medication is ineffective, it should be replaced with a more potent agent and consult with a gynecologist for further therapy.

Tempalgin - contraindications and interaction with other drugs

It is undesirable to use the medication in combination with other analgesics or pain medication, especially with codeine. In such cases, substances strengthen each other's action and slow down the excretion, which increases the toxic load on the liver.

Simultaneous reception of tranquilizers and sedatives significantly increases the analgesic effect of Tempalgina, but can cause hyperthermia.

Antibiotics, oral contraceptives, as well as antidepressants in parallel with the described drug can not be used, because the chemicals in the drugs listed immediately react with metamizole and have a toxic effect on the liver, gall bladder, ducts and kidneys.

Contraindications to the use of Tempalgina:

Taking medication for kidney disease should be agreed with the attending physician, especially in the case of chronic pyelonephritis.