How to deal with sow?

Osot - a garden weed, one of the most hated enemies gardener along with the portulac and wildflower , who, alas, often likes to attack the plots, the owner of which has only slightly lost his vigilance. Getting rid of sow is a rather problematic matter, but if you have the patience, then this is quite real.

The enemy, as they say, you need to know in person, so let's figure out how the sow is looking.

The stalk of the osseous is straight, fairly thick, with spiny hairs. He can reach a height of one and a half meters. The flowers of the osophagus are bright yellow, somewhat reminiscent of dandelions. The roots of the osier go to the ground to a depth of at least 10 centimeters, so tearing it out often is quite problematic. Also, its roots are brittle enough, and even from a small piece left in the ground, the plant can regenerate. Osot is absolutely not picky and can grow in any soil, even where almost nothing grows. Weed is distributed around the globe, it is calmly going through any climatic conditions.

How to remove sow from the garden?

Control measures against the field sow should be taken immediately, as you found it in your garden, because the younger the plant, the easier it is to destroy, because the stem is not yet as thick as an adult plant, and the roots have not yet gone deeper into the ground . In any case, the struggle against sow is laborious and requires patience, but it is quite real.

So, let's take a look at the simplest ways to combat soda in the garden.

  1. Weeding . This, perhaps, is the most laborious method, since the earth will have to be weeded far not once. First you need to remove the sow, tearing it from the roots, and then weeding the ground to remove the remnants of the roots. Weeding is best done in early spring, when the roots of the plant have not yet had time to get stronger, and then repeat the procedure several times in the summer. Thorough weeding will certainly save your garden from this weed.
  2. Overwhelming . The principle is the same as with the weeding. It is necessary to dig out the land on which the sow is settled, and remove all roots. Again, in this case it is necessary to approach with the utmost care, so that the roots of the sowing plant do not remain in the ground.
  3. Sprinkle with kerosene . This method is already more interesting and much less time-consuming. Sprayed sowl quickly dies, and kerosene evaporates without causing any harm to the rest of the plants on your site.
  4. Herbicides against sow . Herbicides are a chemical substance, so treat them with extreme care and ensure that they do not fall on other plants or in the soil. For spraying the remainder, it is necessary to dilute 100 g of herbicide in 6 liters of water. Spraying is the leaves of the sow, not the soil. The carefully sprayed leaves will quickly fade, and the herbicide, which falls through the stem into the root system, will quickly destroy it. Spraying the sow with herbicides quickly enough solves the problem with this weed in your garden. But you can also find more sparing tools for combating weeds, which you can ask in a specialized store.

The choice of methods for combating sows is always left for the owner of the garden, but it is better to always do without chemicals, who treat one, and the other necessarily cripple. With any weed, you can cope on your own or at least with means that do not pose a danger to other plants and people.

It is interesting that sow is used in folk medicine. He also enjoys eating livestock with pleasure, so if you have a farm, then you need to eat as a feed. Osot can also be used as food for people, adding it to a soup or salad. That is, there is nothing useless, even weeds possess some useful properties.

Now you know how to deal with sow, if this weed suddenly "attack" your dacha site. The main thing is to act quickly and decisively, then you will get rid of the sow with the least losses on your part.