Reproduction of begonia by cuttings

On the windowsills you can see a huge number of varieties of begonia, each of which is beautiful in its own way. Therefore, if you want to get a different kind of this flower or share your own, then you need to know all the possible ways of its reproduction.

Like most plants, begonia reproduces cuttings and seeds, and thanks to the structure of its roots, it is still possible to add to it the separation of the formed children and the division of tubers. The most successful is the propagation of begonia by cuttings, which can be done in 2 ways.

Propagation of begonia with a stem or leaf cuttings - the choice of method depends on the type of color, since some of them do not have stems (for example, "Winter" and "Mason"), so the leaf plate must be divided for reproduction. To propagate a flower with stem cuttings it is necessary to do so:

  1. Cut a 10 cm long stem with several leaves, the bottom of which is removed completely, and the rest is cut by ½.
  2. We dry the cut, and then, before landing , we process Kornevin.
  3. In the pot we pour the soil for begonias, mixed with sand in equal parts.
  4. Using a stick, make a hole and insert the shank to the very leaves. We fall asleep with soil and we compact it around it.
  5. Cover with a can or cut off bottle.
  6. After the appearance of the first new shoots, we begin to temper the new plant, and then completely remove the shelter.

After such propagation with stem cuttings, the ever flowering begonia begins to bloom after 3-4 months.

Features of planting begonia cuttings

To successfully root begonia, there are small secrets, such as:

Propagating begonia by cuttings, you will save all its specific features.