Books on the psychology of relations

If you think carefully, you can come to the conclusion that in a global sense, our whole life is a relationship. Relationships are work, business, love, sex, leisure, friends, family, etc. That's how we live and relate to each other, and after all, having improved our skills in building relationships, it would be possible to radically improve the quality of life.

In the world, millions of books on the psychology of relationships have been written and published. But either they are so bad that they do not act in reality, or we are not able to translate it into practice written by wise authors. But, nevertheless, being optimistic, we will believe that some books are written incorrectly, in such a way that the above tips simply do not want to follow ...

We will try to create for you a kind of bestseller list, the best books on the psychology of relations. But if the book has got to our top-list, you will be forced to adhere to what is written in them.

Freud is a world-class classic, and still indecent ...

Let's start with the well-known books on the psychology of relations, and we can not not begin with the master in this area. Freud's book The Psychology of Sexuality at one time aroused a storm of indignation in Puritan Europe, and even today, when you tell someone (who did not read Freud at all) that you love the work of this psychoanalyst, the ironic grin of an interlocutor awaits you .

Yes, Freud, of course, created his own fame. But in fact many open their hidden "I" due to his works. In this book, of course, the psychology of the relationship between man and woman, the phenomenon of bisexualism, as well as various deviations, perversions, taboos of virginity, narcissism, etc., are explored.

Building relationships with yourself ...

From the modern book on the psychology of relations, it is necessary to allocate the present manual for the creation of a new "I" written by the American psychologist Tina Siling "Do yourself. Tips for those who want to leave their mark " This book will be useful for beginning entrepreneurs, those who want to find a way to generate ideas. In short, the author reveals a new essence of problems: any trial is a new opportunity, helping to reveal their creative potential .

For all occasions…

Another popular, we might even say cult, book on the psychology of relations - "Games are played by people. People who play games . " Actually, these are two books, but they are usually published in the kit. The author is Eric Berne , the founder of transactional analysis. Berne shared our personalities with you on three facets: "Adult" (weighted, rational reactions), "Parent" (when we copy parents' behavior) and "Child" (emotions, pleasures, creative impulses). In different life situations, we include one of these three "I's", and Bern in his book described typical life situations and scenarios, to resolve these situations. As a result, we get not just a book on psychology, but also a desktop allowance for every second use.

We are all aliens ...

J. Gray became a world famous author thanks to his book "Men from Mars, Women from Venus" . This book has become a tool for millions of couples in the course of preserving and improving relations. We want to add to our list a book by Gray designed for single people who, naturally, are looking for their soul mate. This is an interesting book on the psychology of relations, which again is based on the fact that men and women think and act differently. The name of the bestseller is "Mars and Venus on a Date". The book will help, as a loner to find their own couple, and people in relationships get to a strong and successful marriage. The author himself is convinced that almost all problems in the world are due to the fact that people do not realize the difference between men and women.