What to feed a red-bellied turtle - what can you give, and what not?

That purchased exotic reptiles grow up healthy and develop well, learn what to feed the red-turtle, how to diversify the diet should be before buying it. It is better to stock up in advance with those foods, plants and dry foods that are needed.

What to feed a red-bellied turtle at home?

Feeding the red-bellied turtle does not cause special difficulties, this kind of reptile is omnivorous, the main thing is to provide it with a balanced diet, in which up to 70% are products of animal origin. Like most predators, the reptile should also be fed with vegetable food, which will help to fill the body with vitamins and microelements. From it, the turtle receives calcium, for the development of a strong and healthy shell. The diet of red-bellied turtles living in aquarium conditions consists of the following components:

  1. Animal feed - meat, fish and seafood, insects, snails, worms, caterpillars.
  2. Vegetable forages - grass, fruit and berries (pitted), vegetables, mushrooms, aquarium plants.
  3. Artificial forages - purchased, dry, balanced mixtures.

How to feed a red-bellied turtle with dry food?

Often reptile owners, thinking about what to feed red-bellied turtles, prefer dry food, sold at pet stores in the form of granules, tablets, capsules or cereal made from dried crustaceans. It should be taken into account that dry food can be used infrequently, adding to the main diet, as a treat.

Deciding to feed the red-turtle with dry food, you can dilute it with small meat or fish pieces, add algae or other plant products. Do not accustom a pet to one kind of dry food, periodically change its composition and manufacturer, choosing well-known, proven brands. Pay attention to the purpose of dry food, some of its types are used as the main food, some - as an energy supplement, as prevention from rickets or to maintain immunity.

What kind of fish to feed a red-bellied turtle?

Quite rightly, some owners raise the question of what kind of fish can be fed red-bellied turtles. Not every type of fish is suitable for use in the diet of these reptiles. Feed the red-turtle better freshwater fish, they are less greasy, but you can give and sea - pre-soaked it in water and boiled.

Before feeding the red-bellied turtle with fish, remove large bones from it, cut into small pieces. Red-bellied turtles and seafood: mussels, shrimps, squid, crabs - they are bought in the store fresh or frozen. Excluding the ingress of parasites into the body of reptiles, it is better to weld the fish and seafood slightly, or at least give a steep boiling water.

How to feed the red-bellied turtle?

Preference when feeding turtles give low-fat varieties of meat:

On the question whether it is possible to feed a red-bellied turtle with a chicken, the answer is unambiguous - it is possible, especially a chicken liver. Giving reptiles once in 7-10 days a liver, you can not worry about the lack of vitamins. Varieties of meat should be periodically changed, since the protein content in different species is different. It is even better to alternate meat forage with fish, this will exclude the possibility of rickets.

What vegetables can you feed a red-bellied turtle?

Consider how you can feed a red-eared turtle except feed, meat and fish. The vegetative cultures, especially vegetable ones, vary the menu of reptiles. The more diverse it is to feed the red-bellied turtle with vegetables, the more different microelements and vitamins it will receive. The following vegetables are best suited:

Adding vegetables to the foraging of red-bellied turtles, do not overdo it with one of any kind, use only a little bit of everything. Vegetables do not contain protein, therefore, they do not contribute to the intensive growth of reptiles, they are included in the diet better for grown-up turtles. Do not feed animals spoiled, started to spoil the food, it will cause them frustration and poisoning.

Red-turtle ration

The ration of red-eared turtles is made taking into account that this species of reptiles belongs to predators, therefore the main element in their menu is animal feed, and vegetable is used as an addition in the amount of 25-30% of the total volume of food. When developing a diet, the age of the pet is taken into account, for a reptile diet that has not reached one year, use those foods in which there is more protein. The nutritional diet is divided into winter and summer, while fresh vegetables can be replaced by frozen foods or dry food.

How often should a red-bellied turtle be fed?

A lot of controversy raises the question: how many times a day to feed a red-bellied turtle, experts advise you to start from the age of the reptile, its size and the composition of the diet. Young individuals need one-two meals per day, in some cases nutritional supplements are necessary, in this regard it is better to consult a veterinarian. One-two-year-olds are recommended to feed in a day, grown reptiles, older than two years, gradually transfer to one feeding in two, and often in three days. Carefully watch, while for animals, underfood is harmful, as is overfeeding.

What can not feed a red-bellied turtle?

Feeding the red-bell turtle at home is not difficult, you just need to take into account that not all products from your table are acceptable for reptiles. So, it raises controversy among owners, the question of feeding turtles with eggs, the opinion is divided into those who advise giving only the yolk, and those who do not recommend the general use of this product. It is not recommended to feed reptiles with bread, it causes swelling, loss of appetite, it is necessary to put on hunger diet for several days.

Carefully study the grass, leaves, and also aquarium plants that you give to pets, they can contain poison. Turtles pull everything into the mouth indiscriminately, like children, so they do not recognize which plant is useful, and which will bring harm and even lead to death. Meat of poultry, animals and fish should be heat-treated, at least briefly, so as not to cause disease with salmonella and not to infect parasites.

Thinking about what to feed a red-bellied turtle, it is very important to understand that the overall health of your pet, the development and condition of the shell depend on balanced and proper nutrition, compliance with the feeding regime. Watching the appetite and behavior of the animal, choose for him a rational complex, this will relieve the home reptile from health problems.