Barbs - care and content

These aquarium fish, home to South Asia, are very popular and in demand. There are several dozens of varieties of these aquatic inhabitants. Barbuses are representatives of the family of carp fish.

External features and variety of barbs

These are very active and mobile fish of small size - from 4-6 cm. Their body is flat and resembles the shape of an elongated oval. The color of these fish directly depends on the species. Male individuals are distinguished by a unique unique coloration and an attractive form of fins. Barbuses can be of the following types: ruled (stripy, large size), Everett (differs in unusual color), oligolepis (differ in unusual color), five-striped (the presence of five transverse dark bands), green (large species, reaches 10 cm), ruby ruby color in the period of mating games). There are also many other species.

Contents of barbs in the aquarium: features and recommendations

These are very mobile fish that prefer to live in packs. With proper care the life expectancy of barbs is 3-4 years. Favorite habitat are the middle and lower layers of water. It is preferable to have a large aquarium from 50 liters. There should be a sufficient number of plants, but they should not cover all free space for swimming.

Barbuses are very bright fish, and proper care and maintenance involves the use of dark soil that will help preserve their color. The color of these fish significantly pales when using light soils. Males have some warlike qualities and in the absence of females can fight with each other. In general, barbs are very peaceful fish and their content provides compatibility with other, equally peaceful species. It can be clown-bots, sword-bearers, pecilia, labeo and other similar species. It should be noted that barbs can eat newborn fry of other fish. It is not necessary to peopel them with inactive fish such as gurus, because despite their peace-loving nature, barbs can bite the edges of their fins. Just the fast speed of their movement can frighten the quiet, inactive fish. The peculiarity of the behavior of barbs is the fact that one fish can fight off a pack and be in the corner of the aquarium in a stationary state upside down. Do not worry, this is normal behavior for this species.

Care for barbs in the aquarium does not differ special requirements. They are not demanding on water, but good filtration and weekly replacement of a quarter of the aquarium's volume is a necessary condition. Barbuses love the presence of large vegetation in the aquarium and the optimum temperature of the content for them is 21-23 ° C. This species is not very sensitive to lack of oxygen. Optimal water parameters - pH 6.5-7.5; dH = 4-10 '. Pay attention to the behavior and style of swimming. If the barbeque floats on the surface of the aquarium head to the top, then urgent replacement of water is necessary. This species is omnivorous and easily consumes all types of food: live and artificial. It is necessary to monitor the frequency of feeding, as barbs often overeat and suffer from obesity. The ration must necessarily be enriched with plant foods: lettuce leaves, algae.

Sexual maturity occurs in 5-9 months. During the spawning period, the aquarium must be of sufficient size and not have soil . At the bottom of the grid, to avoid eating fry. Maturation of eggs lasts about two days. After 3-4 days the fry begin to swim and after a month can live with the adult fish.