Removing Wen

Weners, which are called lipoma among specialists, are a special kind of neoplasm located under the layer of the epidermis. Many people face the problem of small seals on the skin. Removal of adipose can be carried out in various ways, and treatment should be carried out immediately after their detection.

Removal of a grease on the face

It is better to get rid of lipoma immediately before it starts to expand. Trying to disguise the neoplasm with cosmetics is not worth it, since it can only intensify the inflammation.

Remove sore fats on the head or face can not. You can try to alleviate the condition with the help of compresses from the leaves of Kalanchoe.

Also, to control the lipoma, mechanical cleaning with a spoon of Una can help. However, it is effective in fighting common pimples, therefore, in many cases, the use of other methods is required.

Surgically removes the lining of the doctor. He makes a small incision and extracts the accumulated fat from there. The operation can be performed under local anesthesia, if necessary, a general anesthesia is used. After removing the lipoma, scars and even scarring may remain.

Endoscopic method is also used. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the puncture is performed not on the wen itself, but under the hairline or in another place inaccessible to the eye. The endoscope quickly and easily cleans all the fat and leaves no visible scars.

Laser removal of wen

One of the most effective ways to combat this ailment is to influence the swelling of the laser. To advantages of this treatment it is necessary to carry absence of probability of infection and penetration of an infection. The procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia , completely painless and also carried out quickly.

Removal of a wen in the home

The operation should be performed only with absolutely clean hands:

  1. The affected area, the needle and hands are treated with a disinfectant.
  2. The skin in the region of the lipoma is pulled back and pierced with a medical needle.
  3. With the help of a needle, fatty tissues are stretched. If you can not extract them, then another puncture is performed.
  4. Grease all wounds with alcohol solution.

If you follow all the recommendations, then removing the lipoma will not be difficult. However, you should be prepared for the appearance of blood from the wound, despite the fact that the operation itself is painless. Healing of the wound occurs within a few days.