How to get rid of zhirovikov?

Lipoma or a tumor of adipose tissue now occurs quite often in people of all ages. The reasons for the appearance of this benign neoplasm are still unknown, so their prevention is not available. But medicine has a lot of effective and safe ways how to get rid of fatty women without the risk of relapse. Just one visit to the doctor can forever forget about the unpleasant subcutaneous compaction.

How to get rid of a wen foot or hand, body?

This problem can occur on any part of the limb or trunk, including the scalp. Lipomas on the body, as a rule, grow large, as long time remain unnoticed or mistakenly perceived as symptoms of other diseases.

The only way to get rid of benign tumors is surgical removal . In accordance with the size, propensity to increase and inflammation of the wen, the dermatologist can recommend one of the following methods of its elimination:

  1. Classical excision. Under local anesthesia, the surgeon cuts the skin over the neoplasm and removes it with the capsule. When removing small lipomas, it heals independently. If a large fat is cut out, stitching will be required.
  2. Laser removal. This version of the operation differs from the previous one in less painfulness. In addition, during manipulation, not much blood is allocated, and the edges of the incision are more accurate and fuse faster. Through the laser, the fatty tumor completely evaporates, including the membranous membrane.

There are no other effective ways to get rid of large neoplasms. Neither liposuction, nor sclerosing have shown worthy therapeutic results, so these methods are not used in medicine.

How to get rid of small white and plural greens on the face?

There is an opinion that a very small lipoma the size of millet grains can be squeezed out manually. This statement is fundamentally wrong. To begin with - it is not necessary to confuse the closed comedon and zhirovik . In the latter case, the neoplasm is a benign tumor with no way out of the contents. The comedon is simply a clogged sebaceous gland, and it can be squeezed out with fingers or a spoon of Uno.

How to get rid of a small or medium wen on the forehead or nose, and also the cheeks, temples and chin, should be advised by an experienced dermatologist. It is unlikely that when small lipomas require surgical intervention, the following methods are usually used:

The most productive way to deal with the defect described is laser manipulation, since after them the capsule does not remain from the tumor, which eliminates the risk of its reappearance.

It is more difficult to choose how to get rid of subcutaneous fatty glands in the corners of the mouth and on the lips, eyelids, because these areas are very sensitive. Dermatologists are advised to resort only to laser removal, as the safest and less traumatic variant of the operation.

How to get rid of zhirovik with proven folk remedies?

Despite the huge number of recipes for self-fixing lipomas in the home, the use of any of them is meaningless. It is important to understand that the fatty gland is a dense tumor in an elastic capsule. It does not dissolve and does not dissolve, no matter what compresses and lotions are applied to it. Moreover, a constant external irritation can provoke growth, inflammation and even degeneration into a malignant tumor. Therefore, it is better not to experiment, but immediately go to the doctor.