Syringe of althaea in pregnancy

The root of the althaea has long been used as a medicine. Due to the softening effect, it is often prescribed as an expectorant, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. Consider a preparation such as syrup of althea root, and find out whether it is possible to use it in pregnancy, how to do it correctly.

What is the root of the althea used for?

This part of the medicinal plant is actively used to treat diseases of the respiratory system. Having a reflex, pronounced expectorant effect, the component contributes to the sputum discharge from the bronchi. Often, the drug is prescribed for tracheitis, bronchitis.

Can I use syrup of althea for pregnant women?

With regard to the admissibility of the drug during the gestation period, the instruction states that no research has been conducted on this issue. That's why doctors try not to prescribe the drug in the case when the predicted benefit for the mother's organism is lower than the risk of developing complications of gestation.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the syrup of the althaea, when developing respiratory apparatus diseases, is avoided. Increased coughing attacks can lead to stress in the muscular fibers of the uterus. while using the abdominal muscles. As a result, hypertension may develop, which is very dangerous and can result in interruption of pregnancy.

How is mallow used during pregnancy?

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the althaea syrup is prescribed with caution in diseases of the respiratory system. Take a tablespoon, which is bred in 100 ml of warm, boiled water. Frequency of reception is established individually, more often 1-2 times a day. The woman should strictly follow the instructions of the observing doctor, observe the dosage.

What are the contraindications?

Not all women in the situation can use sultry althea. The drug is not prescribed when:

In case of misuse, overdose of the medicine, nausea and vomiting may develop. The drug should not be used in combination with other antitussive drugs, which include codeine. This will make it more difficult for sputum to escape, leading to the development of an unproductive cough.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the drug can be used for gestation, however, only with the appointment of a doctor. Self-use is not allowed.