Premature ripening of the placenta - treatment

Premature ripening of the placenta threatens to disrupt the normal development of the fetus due to a shortage of nutrients and oxygen due to impaired function of the placenta .

Treatment of this pathology should be carried out only with the appointment of a doctor who has established a diagnosis on the basis of appropriate examinations. Self-medication during pregnancy is simply unacceptable.

As a rule, the treatment of premature aging of the placenta begins with the elimination of risk factors. Together with this, complex therapy is carried out, designed to improve the function of the placenta and to resist fetal hypoxia.

A woman with a diagnosis of premature aging of the placenta must necessarily abandon addictions if they are: smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs. If there is an excess weight of the body, you need to try to get rid of it as much as possible. Also, infectious diseases, if any, should be cured, and fight against gestosis.

Treatment of premature ripening of the placenta is necessary to restore normal blood circulation between the mother and the baby. It must receive nutrients and oxygen. This can be achieved with the help of medications.

Do not refuse hospitalization in a hospital, if your doctor insists on it. It is here that you will be able to provide medical care and supervision in full.

After some time after the beginning of treatment of early aging of the placenta, a woman is shown to repeat the ultrasound, doppometry and CTG of the fetus .

With regard to childbirth, women with a diagnosis of early aging of the placenta usually cause their medical drugs a little earlier than the due date. This is necessary for normal delivery and birth of a healthy baby.