What color is the cork before delivery?

Often, women who have to give birth for the first time, are interested in what color a plug can be before giving birth. The main reason for this issue is the fear of not noticing one of the most important signs of impending delivery.

Throughout the entire gestation process, including the prenatal days, the exit from the uterus is closed with a thick lump of mucus. Its main purpose is to protect the genus organ and the fetus in it from various infections. According to data obtained from many women, the color of the plug before birth is almost transparent and looks like a snot. This is what makes it possible to confuse it with ordinary secretions . But you need to understand that the departure of the cork does not mean that you should rush to the women's consultation. It is not at all the fact that the birth will begin immediately, sometimes this phenomenon occurs a couple of weeks before the birth of a child.

What color is the prenatal cork?

Shortly before birth, a woman can find on her underwear traces of mucus, which can have a yellowish, whitish or milky tone. Quite normal is the situation in which the plug before the birth is brown, it contains blood veins, and its consistence is thick and crusty.

Also, do not be afraid if you have a blood tube in front of birth - if its amount is small, and the blood itself is not red. Otherwise, this situation can signal premature detachment of the placenta , which is not the norm. In this case, a woman should have a connection with her supervising physician and immediately go to a polyclinic.

All future mothers need to be aware that there are no specific timetables for the birth of a birth plug from the genital tract, as well as the norms of its appearance and consistency. Also, it is not an occasion for urgent hospitalization, the woman in labor must wait for the frequency of fights and other direct symptoms.