What can be pregnant with a cold?

Nature endowed the woman with the opportunity to give birth to children, fully adapting to her body, which gives all her strength to support and preserve the fetus.

However, she "missed" the moment that immunity weakened by pregnancy becomes open to anyone, even the simplest disease that can leave an indelible imprint on the child. It is now a matter of such a common illness as the common cold. Let's consider together the variants of what can be pregnant with a cold, and what to use is not worth it.

The level of threat that accompanies this disease can not be fully assessed. In time, a non-cured disease of this type can fully turn into fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, malformations or complications in childbirth. The most correct tactic of behavior is the suppression of cold symptoms at the earliest stages.

Preparations for colds for pregnant women

Getting rid of this disease is a complex, lengthy and necessary process, which should begin with visiting your doctor and getting an exhaustive consultation. This is due to the fact that the standard remedies for colds during pregnancy are almost contraindicated because of their negative effects on the fetus. That is why it is so important to take a responsible approach to the problem and find alternative ways of healing.

It is necessary to avoid the use of such funds for colds for pregnant women, which belong to the group of antibiotics, immunomodulators, insist on alcohol or contain a large amount of vitamin C. Among medicines, Paracetamol can be taken, which will help to remove the temperature and eliminate the pain in the head, Tharyngept, which removes perspiration in The throat, or furatsilina in the form of rinses. In any case, preference should be given to medicines of homeopathic origin, which, like everyone else, should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Folk remedies for colds for pregnant women

The ideal option is to use recipes in practice, which kindly provides experience of generations. However, one must be cautious, since many constituents of drugs can cause an allergic reaction, even if it has not been observed before. Virtually all the folk ways of what to drink to pregnant women with colds are based on eliminating the main symptoms of the disease, namely:

Consider the most effective and common folk methods:

  1. A universal remedy is a lemon in pregnancy with a cold, because it is a natural source of vitamin C, responsible for maintaining the body's defenses. Add slices of this citrus in a warm drink, tea or just water, of course, if you do not have allergies to it.
  2. It is also worth including in your diet garlic for colds during pregnancy, because it has a strong antiviral property. You can just swallow a small slice of a vegetable without chewing, and you can dilute its juice with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio and dig into your nose several times a day.
  3. Do not forget in pregnancy and chamomile for colds, which is used exclusively in the form of inhalations, since the herbs for the woman in the position, and for her child in particular, can also be contraindicated.
  4. A huge role in getting rid of the disease during pregnancy is played by honey with colds, which can be added to warm drink, milk or tea, compressing it from the throat, chest or back. Again, do not get involved, because excessive use of this product can cause tone of the uterus .