Vitamins for eyesight

Forcing himself to eat a pound of carrots, looking at the blue screen, you try to catch pleasant changes in "brightness, contrast and highlighting," but you understand that you still had to make a choice in favor of blueberries.

Yes, now all the strength in hemoglobin ..., that is, in blueberries. While your brain is distracted from the complexities associated with the choice of vitamins for vision, we have the opportunity to intelligibly explain to him, in an enviable state of relaxed clarity of mind, what is the relationship between carrots and blueberries, because if the first useful "for orange carotene," the second, or not ripe to red, or clearly useless.

What does happiness lack in the eyes?

In order to understand how to choose vitamins for vision, and make this choice consciously, it is necessary to clearly know what needs arise in our eyes.

  1. Eyes want, that cones and sticks (as though it ridiculously did not sound) worked on 100% power. The cones are responsible for day vision, the sticks for twilight. If both are normal, you do not squint your eyes in bright light, and do not look at the pitch darkness.
  2. Eyes would like them to get vitamins too. Alcohol and smoking are beaten by each organ, and when with our most valuable and wholesome food comes a lot of vitamins, after the "sharing" between all organs and systems, the eyes do not get anything at all.
  3. Well, the last, quick desire of the eyes - they would like to be moisturized and breathe "in the whole chest."

All this is feasible if you use foods containing the best vitamins for vision.

Retinol and carotenoids

In the list of vitamins to improve vision, the first place, of course, is allocated to vitamin A and its forms and similarities. Retinol interferes with the development of cataracts and induces sticks to active activity.


As for carotenoids, there are among them two antioxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin, which are very important in the prevention and treatment of degeneration of the yellow body. The yellow body is a dot near the pupil, through which the sun's rays pass. She is very afflicted and exhausted, especially if she does not feed. There is a disease of macular degeneration - blurred vision, lack of clarity.

These two antioxidants are struggling with free radicals, accumulating in the yellowest body (only these two carotenoids are capable of this), and on the spot are engaged in defects and vision treatment.



Flavonoids are substances that prevent the accumulation of carcinogens, oxidative processes in the eyes (including the eyes), and also strengthen the vascular walls. In other words, they can be called vitamins to restore vision. The most "sighted" of them is vitamin R. It is a subtype of vitamin C, always with it in the same products, and was extracted, in fact, from lemons and peppers. Since we mentioned blueberries and vitamins for vision with blueberries, blueberry is luxurious in that it contains a huge dose of both vitamin P and vitamin C. That is, antioxidants, preventing degenerative processes in the body.

In addition to blueberries, bioflavonoids are in:

About Synthetics

When you see advertising, where you are told about which vitamins improve your eyesight (vitamins, which firm, it would be more correct to say), you can hear that English pilots for excellent vision consume blueberry jam. But at the same time, the same voice says that one can not cover the entire daily need with one product, therefore, one must buy the vitamins of the company ...

Synthetic vitamins, even the most expensive ones, are digested much worse than natural ones extracted from the same blueberry. Simply because they are created in laboratories and alien to the body. Therefore, not being lazy, consume berries in a season and carrots not in a season.

List of vitamins for the eyes: