Gold aquarium fish

The breed of aquarium goldfish originates from freshwater radiant fish from the genus Karas. Among all the inhabitants of the aquarium, the goldfish, the longest history, it was known in China back in 1500.

The name of the gold aquarium fish (Carassius auratus), sounds like a gold or Chinese crucian. Aquarists consider this fish to be the most popular and favorite, possessing not only an attraction, but also a peaceful disposition. Goldfish are not whimsical, they feed on dry food, but it is necessary to ensure that they do not overeat, it can contribute to the development of diseases.

Different types of goldfish

There are different varieties of gold aquarium fish, but they all require their content in a spacious aquarium.

Consider some types of gold aquarium fish and care for them:

  1. Voilehvost . Individuals of this species reach 10 cm in length, while they can have a tail up to 30 cm, have a disproportionate head with large eyes. They have a different color, from solid gold to rich red, or even black. The content of these fish requires a spacious aquarium with a water temperature of at least 22 degrees. Valehvostov should not be kept in the same tank with predators.
  2. Telescope . There are telescopes scaly and scaly. These fish have huge, bulging eyes, in the form of a ball, hence they got their name. The length of fish can be 12 cm, they have long bifurcated fins and tail, there are black, red, calico, orange color. They require water up to 25 degrees, mandatory filtration and aeration, a large number of plants and shelters.
  3. Ryukin . The name of the fish is translated from Japanese as "gold". The owner of a small body, large fins and massive head, has a characteristic feature - a hump on the back. Fish can be pink, white, red, spotted and calico. Proper care for them requires a water temperature in the aquarium of at least 28 degrees, the fish can not live at a low water temperature.
  4. Stargazer or heavenly eye . The name of the fish is given because of telescopic eyes. This fish has an orange-golden color, it grows to 15 cm. For the maintenance of 2-3 individuals, an aquarium of at least 100 liters is needed. Fish like to rummage in the ground, it is better to choose pebbles or larger sand for them, large-leaf plants with strong large roots. This kind of goldfish can not exist alongside aggressive pets.