Signs of a plague in dogs

A chum is an extremely dangerous virus for dogs and resistant to the influence of external factors, a virus that spreads up to 5 years at an air temperature of -24 °. As a result of this disease, many pets die, so every responsible host should know what are the signs of a plague in dogs to take operational measures to save the animal.

Symptoms of pig disease in dogs

The influence of this most dangerous virus is most affected by pets aged 3 to 12 months. This fact is simply explained: it is during this period that the dog grows intensively, its teeth change, which leads to a general weakening of immunity. Another reason for the disease is poor care of the puppy. It is difficult to diagnose a wartime in time, because its incubation period is 2-3 weeks, during which the dog behaves absolutely normally. After that, the first signs of a dummy appear in infected puppies or adult dogs. Let us consider them in more detail.

One of the first symptoms of the plague is a high body temperature, which may differ from normal by 1-3 degrees. In the event that the animal is sick with a super-sharp form of a plague, it has a sharp heat, followed by a refusal to eat, loss of consciousness and death.

Symptoms of the plague in dogs susceptible to an acute form of the disease are: fever, elevated body temperature of 39-41 °, which lasts about 2 weeks.

The general symptoms of the virus include: chills, refusal to eat, general depression, vomiting, cracks in the skin in the nose, lack of basic reflexes.

It should be noted that all these signs do not mean that the animal is a plague. In addition, if this disease occurs, not all of the listed symptoms may manifest. However, if suspicions arose, you need to immediately show the dog to the veterinarian, otherwise you can lose it.

The defeat of vital organs with a plague

This virus affects many organs of the animal, which manifests itself in the presence of certain symptoms. For example, the first signs of a plague in dogs, which infected the lungs and the respiratory tract, are purulent discharge from the nose and eyes; increased body temperature; cough; diarrhea; tonsillitis.

If the plague hit the intestine, the dog will periodically lose consciousness, feel thirsty, refuse to eat. In addition, the animal will suffer profuse diarrhea, sometimes with blood. You still need to pay attention to the language of the pet, if it is covered with white coating, urgent medical consultation is needed.

The skin, affected by the plague, is covered with blisters in those places where there is no fur. The virus can also affect the work of the nervous system of the dog. In this case: aggressiveness and irritability of the animal; increased body temperature; cramps of limbs and neck; lameness and paralysis; epileptic seizures.

A very serious form of the disease has such a sign, as hardened pads of fingers. In this case, it is a probable combination of all forms of the plague. With such a disease the dog will be hard to save.

Sometimes it seems that the disease is gone, but it just passed from an acute form to a chronic one. This shape of the plague can have a duration of 3-4 months and be manifested by diarrhea, constipation, general exhaustion, poor appetite, dull and uneven hair, dry crusts in the corners of the eyes. Unfortunately, with the chronic plague, the outcome is almost always lethal.

To treat this disease is very difficult, all that can be done is to prevent the bacterial activity and maintain the general tone of the dog. Also, the plague kills a 2% solution of caustic soda and a 1% solution of Demp or formaldehyde.