The kitten has diarrhea with blood

Cat lovers know that even changing water or rocking during a ride will easily provoke an intestinal frustration in a small pet. It is treated with a short starvation, for kittens not more than 12 hours, and a balanced low-calorie diet. But when the liquid chair does not pass, no teas or activated charcoal help, the hosts begin to beat the panic. Especially our animal lovers are frightened by diarrhea with blood, which is really a very dangerous sign, what if you saw such bad discharges in the feces of your babies?

Diarrhea with blood, causes of the disease

Usually such symptoms indicate that the matter has gone far. In small kittens, even the reappearance of a loose stool is a serious reason for an immediate journey to a veterinary clinic. After all, dehydration can happen swiftly. We will give three reasons for possible blood diarrhea:

  1. Launched intestinal disorder associated with a violation of diet. In this case, the kittens often start picking up everything from the table or floor, stealing food from the owners or other pets.
  2. Blood during diarrhea often appears after infection of the animal with worms. These babies can catch these parasites from their mother or on the street, picking up their eggs together with slices of food on dirty ground.
  3. Unpleasant intestinal disease, accompanied by a prolonged bloody diarrhea, occurs due to infection - viral peritonitis , chlamydia, feline plague, calcevirosis . Especially often kittens get sick because of the crowded content in the presale time.

Treatment of diarrhea with blood in a kitten

Probiotics and prebiotics help to restore the normal microflora. From worms, special tablets or suspensions are prescribed. If there are spasms of the intestine, then Papaverin is required. In the case of a serious infection, appropriate antibiotics are used, which suppress harmful microflora. Dehydration and intoxication can sometimes be eliminated only by a dropper. It is clear that many of the above procedures can not be performed by most amateurs on their own. If the kitten has diarrhea with blood - do not hesitate. Carry your baby to the clinic in time to make a correct diagnosis and immediately begin treatment.