Why does the war dream of a girl?

Dreams about war, basically, are negative. Often after awakening a person feels fear , sadness and other similar sensations. To date, there are a large number of dream books, which will either confirm their assumptions, or refute. To do this, you need to carefully analyze the dream, taking into account all the details. Below the proposed interpretations will help to find the answer to all the questions interesting you.

Why does the girl dream of war?

Such a dream is a harbinger of a difficult period, increased risk of various scandals in family relations. For the fair sex, the night vision, in which her partner goes to war, predicts that soon you will recognize the loved one on the other side, which is unpleasant for you. A dream where you take part in hostilities promises problems in the financial sphere. Watching the massacre from outside, then, soon there will be a situation that will greatly shake your position in society. You will have to work hard to correct the situation.

Many are interested in what it means if you dream about the war with which you are trying to escape. In this case, the dream can be interpreted as a warning that soon someone will mock you. A dream about war in peacetime can be considered a harbinger of the emergence of various kinds of conflicts with surrounding people. If you have a dream, where you lost in the war - this is a symbol of that at the moment your strength is running out. The dream consultant recommends for the time being to postpone all serious matters and try to avoid conflicts.

The dream in which you expect to announce the outbreak of war is the harbinger of an important meeting or a serious conversation. If you are watching from the side of military maneuvers - this is a symbol of what is ahead to expect changes in life. It is also worth mentioning that for a woman, a dream about war promises a meeting with a military man, which will radically affect your life. If you often dream about war, then in real life you have problems in dealing with the opposite sex.

Why dream of the beginning of the war?

The dream in which the war was declared predicts in the future a conversation with the authorities. Still it can be a symbol of occurrence of various insults and disappointments. If the World War broke out, then you should expect problems with money. Such a night vision can be a harbinger of a serious illness that will be associated with a high temperature.

Why does the nuclear war?

In this case, the dream is a symbol of what you are currently experiencing about something. Perhaps, recently you have committed an act, because of which you are suffering. Another nuclear war predicts the emergence of problems and disagreements in the family. If you observe the consequences of an atomic explosion, then, soon, someone close to you people seriously ill. The dream in which you saw a nuclear war is a symbol of the fact that you have accumulated a lot of negativity in your soul. A dream interpreter recommends changing to improve your life.

Why does a woman dream of winning a war?

Such a dream predicts success in the future. Soon all difficulties will recede and everything will improve. Another dream in which you win the war is a symbol of the fact that you can love your partner the way he is. Night vision, in which you see a victory in a dream, predicts the revitalization of a forgotten business, and you will manage to bring it to the end.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a war?

For a woman in a position such a night vision can be perceived as a sign that the born baby will have a fighting nature. Another such dream can reflect your inner feelings of losing a child.