Why can not I wash dishes at a party?

There is a sign that it is impossible to wash dishes at a party, but why, it is not known to everyone.

Pleasant troubles - meeting guests. The hosts cover the festive table, exhibiting the best dishes and refined dishes. But everything has its end; here and the feast has come to the end, and the guests are ready to help the hostess not only remove from the table, but also to wash the dirty dishes - what's wrong with that?

Why should not this be done?

It turns out that they think that washing dishes at a party is a bad omen , and the guests who were engaged in washing it, namely the owners, will have no trouble with such help.

To understand the question, is it possible to wash the dishes at a party, and what are the signs associated with, we turn to the properties of water.

It is known that water has an amazing property - to read and store the information received. And each house - its unique storage, as well as the energy of the owners and all who live here. She is protected by all things in the house, everything to which the tenants are touching.

Those who, by their own free will or forced to hit the kitchen with the desire (or duty) to help clean up the dishes - people are different in all respects. And if this is so, then they brought different energy. Someone bad mood , someone is tired and annoyed that we have to mess around with someone else's dirty dishes, and someone, perhaps, although sitting at the festive table, but, to put it mildly, a great love for the owners of the house does not feel.

Water is sensitive to human energy and hidden information, and if it is negative, then along with the remnants of food, guests can wash off, as the sign says, the luck and happiness of the house. In this case, a festive feast after the departure of guests can, at best, end in a scandal, but it happens even worse ...

Therefore, whether it is possible to wash dishes at a party, everyone decides for himself, but if a person is superstitious and believes in signs, it is better to wash the dishes yourself and sleep peacefully.