Characteristic personality traits

How do we describe a newly met person? Often, there are some general words about the appearance, clothes, manner of communication . But sometimes the description includes one word - unpleasant, nervous, sure, etc. In these cases, we note the most characteristic features of a person's personality, making on their basis the conclusions about the interlocutor. Often such a first impression is erroneous, since the properties of a person reveal its deep features, and we are accustomed to concealing our true essence, so it is quite possible that a friendly, seemingly person actually experiences a strong dislike towards the person. Therefore, in order to better understand the character of a person, it is necessary to take into account not only the basic personality traits that are conspicuous, but also weakly expressed, which open only after a long acquaintance.

Characteristic personality traits

The issue of stable personality properties has been of interest to researchers for a very long time, but no one has been able to place points in the study and classification of the most characteristic features of personality. Moreover, all attempts to decompose "on the shelves" these properties ended in failure. For example, in the 40s of the XX century an attempt was made to systematize leadership qualities in order to derive the formula of a successful person. The work has failed, the reason is, on the one hand, a variety of features, and on the other - not quite adequate research methods. It is very difficult to determine which of the human responses is a stable property, and which is simply a situational choice. Therefore, today we can not say which aspects of the character are strong, opening the way to success, and which personality traits are weak.

The property itself does not mean anything, it only gets weight when viewed in combination with other qualities. It is clear that such combinations can be a great variety, and this makes it very difficult for any classification. But psychology can not exist separately from reality, therefore, for practical purposes, five features identified as fundamental have been identified. This is conscientiousness, extraversion, benevolence, openness to experience and neuroticism. If we take not the mass personality , but the developed one, then the set of features characteristic for it changes. It is believed that a developed personality should be willing to cooperate, responsible, positive, energetic, purposeful, and also have the habit of living with love. Such qualities are not so common, but is it possible to speak on the basis of a low level of development of modern society?