Why is Friday the 13th cursed day?

While some are afraid of Friday the 13th , others are puzzled, why is Friday the 13 accursed day? To date, this is a very popular sign, which says: on this day you need to beware of failures and troubles.

Why is everyone afraid of Friday 13?

The number 13 was historically considered unhappy, and Friday is the day of the witches' coven. That is why their combination causes fear and fear among many people. Popularize the myth of the danger of such a number and popular American horror films on Friday the 13th.

There are many myths and legends about why Friday 13 is a damned day. One of the most popular is the story of the Order of the Knights Templar, who on October 13, 1307 were recognized as heretics and brutally executed. They also cursed this day, because of what it in our time inspires fear in a lot of people.

Fear of Friday 13

Because of the abundance of people who are really panic-stricken this day, the American psychotherapist has derived a term denoting this - paraskavedekatriaphobia. The word consists of the Greek roots "Friday", "thirteen" and "phobia". Disease is built in one row with other unexplained fears, such as aerophobia or claustrophobia.

In medical practice, the fear of Friday the 13th is usually considered as one of the cases of triskaidecaphobia (fear of the very number 13).

Facts about Friday 13

Those who are afraid of this date are sure that the facts are evidence of the present danger. All the rest are sure that this is just a coincidence:

It is known that people are afraid to fly on Friday, the 13th, why airlines give a discount on flights these days to 20%. However, it is up to you to decide whether to succumb to this fear or not.