Beef tenderloin dishes

Let's consider with you today recipes of dishes from the beef tenderloin, which will be an excellent decoration of your table!

Beef tenderloin dishes



Steaks are sprinkled with spices, and then fried in a hot olive oil on a cast-iron frying pan for 5 minutes on each side. We put the meat on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. Bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. Then take out the steaks and leave to cool. And by this time we crush the garlic and pass it in the same frying pan, where the meat was fried, on a weak fire. After about 2 minutes, add cherry tomatoes and fresh thyme. Gently stir to prevent the tomatoes from crushing. Now we spread the vegetables on the plates together with the beef tenderloin and serve the dish on the table, decorating with basil leaves.

Beef tenderloin recipe



In a bowl, mix small pieces of meat, ginger, chopped garlic and soy sauce . Broccoli is washed and cut into small inflorescences. In a frying pan, warm up a little vegetable oil, spread cabbage and fry it for 2 minutes. Then pour in water and cook until the liquid evaporates completely. After that, we shift the broccoli to a plate, and in the course of time we pour the oil and add the meat. Fry on high heat for 3 minutes. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, mix the beef broth with the starch and pour the mixture into the meat. Cook until the sauce thickens. At the very end, add broccoli and bean sprouts and cook another 2 minutes, until all the ingredients are well warmed up.

Veal clipping dish



The oven is pre-ignited and heated to a temperature of approximately 190 degrees. Cut the meat into 2 equal pieces, spread it with olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Then fry the tenderloin to a ruddy crust in a frying pan on high heat on all sides for about 5 minutes. After that, we shift the meat into a roasting dish. In a small bowl, mix olive oil, chopped garlic, cumin and rosemary. We spread the meat first with mustard, and then with herb spices and put into the oven for 45 minutes. Next, shift the cut into a dish and leave to cool for 10 minutes.

Beef tenderloin with onion and orange snack



In a small bowl, mix honey with vinegar, salt and pepper. Then, whisking constantly, pour in the olive oil, add crushed red onion, garlic, olive cut into slices, peeled orange slices and parsley. Now take the frying pan, reheat it on high heat and pour a little vegetable oil. We lay out the meat and fry it on each side for about 6-8 minutes. Then we put it on a plate, cover it with foil and leave it for another 10 minutes. Then cut it into pieces, lay out onion onion and orange snack and serve it to the table.