
What do we do when we are nervous? We are looking for a valerian in the medicine cabinet, or validol. These are the most popular sedatives, they are applied everywhere. "Sedative" in French means "sedatives", and this is the main task of such drugs. They depress the central nervous system, remove irritability and nervousness, bring peace. To date, many new-generation sedatives have appeared. Perhaps it's time to forget about valerian and try something more effective?

Sedatives - List

What does it mean - a sedative tool of a new generation? It is a combination drug that combines antihistamines, soothing and relaxing properties. Usually, such medicines are of mixed origin, where the plant extract combines with the achievements of the chemical industry. These drugs include:

  1. Nörawiss, where guaifenesin is combined with an extract of valerian, passionflower, lemon balm, hawthorn and other plants.
  2. Combined preparations include all of us known Corvalol, Validol and Valocordin . The first two preparations contain an ester of a-bromizovaleric acid, sodium salt of phenobarbital, mint oil in alcohol solution. The latter is menthol, dissolved in isovaleric acid. This is a wonderful sedative, tested for years.

Sedative preparations based on bromine

Sedative drugs based on bromine and bromine salts began to be used as early as the nineteenth century. This substance inhibits the reaction of the central nervous system, due to which the excitation process is inhibited and nervousness disappears. Nowadays, preparations with bromine are still used, camphor bromide, sodium bromide and potassium bromide are used in combination with plant extracts and sold separately. One of the advantages of such drugs is the concomitant antihistamine effect. The disadvantage is that bromine is poorly excreted from the body, and therefore quickly accumulates in tissues. Overdose can cause complications, because long-term use of such drugs is not recommended.

List of sedatives of plant origin

In folk medicine as a sedative, flowers, roots and leaves of plants have long been used. Their alkaloids and ethers have a mild tonic and relaxing effect, promote deep and strong sleep, without provoking it, as a sleeping pill. To plants with pronounced sedative properties are:

In modern medicine, drugs based on them are actively used. It can be said that the best sedative is a sedative agent of plant origin. It, as a rule, acts gently, is not addictive, has few contraindications. To preparations of a phytogenesis in which optimum combinations of grasses and extracts are used, concern:

But even such, at first glance, harmless drugs, should appoint a doctor. St. John's wort is contraindicated in pregnancy, valerian - epileptics, other herbs also have application features.

Sedatives based on magnesium

The lack of certain macronutrients and microelements in the body can trigger a nervous breakdown. First of all, this refers to the deficiency of magnesium. It is not surprising that often as a sedative the doctors recommend starting the intake of this element together with the vitamins of group B, which have a general strengthening effect on the body and support the activity of the nervous system. These drugs include Magne B6 and others.