Poisonous plants for cats

Cats I love to chew greens - everyone knows that. That plants are necessary for cats to clean the stomach are few. And only some know about the existence of houseplants, the juice of which is a poison for felines.

Which plants are dangerous for cats?

Plants can not harm a person, but they have a bad effect on the condition of pets.

Plants of the family of aroid - one of the most dangerous plants for cats. To aroids include:

Plants of the euphorbia family are also considered harmful to cats. Euphorbia, jatropha, acalifa and croton cause severe burns and ulcers of the pharynx and oral cavity, can cause temporary blindness and disturbance of nervous regulation, cause serious disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another family of no less dangerous houseplants for cats is the kutra (Allamanda, Oleander, Pachipodium, Adenium, Mandevilla). Causes disturbances of nervous regulation and cardiovascular activity.

There are a huge number of species that cause swelling in the cats, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorders. To the cat did not try to gnaw the plants, you need to spray their leaves with an aqueous solution with lemon juice, and the cat to buy special grass.