Aspirin for blood thinning

The human blood contains a large number of different components. Each of them performs a certain function. There are also blood cells - platelets - which are responsible for the density of blood. And when the normal work of the body is disturbed, they begin to stick together. In this case, Aspirin may be prescribed for the dilution of blood. This drug will help prevent thrombosis and a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system, with this related.

When should I apply Aspirin for blood thinning?

Platelets can be stuck for various reasons. The process is affected by adverse environmental conditions, and various pathologies, and frequent stresses, and unhealthy diet. The formation of blood clots is extremely dangerous. There are a lot of thin vessels in the body that can clog the clotting of clotted platelets. Because of this, some organ will stop receiving enough nutrients and will not be able to function properly. And if it is the heart, then it may well be a fatal outcome.

Before you start taking Aspirin to dilute the blood and determine the desired dose, do not interfere with the advice of a specialist. Although the drug is considered one of the simplest - an affordable price has done its job - in practice it can behave very unpredictably and lead to undesirable consequences.

Assign a drug based on acetylsalicylic acid at:

How useful is Aspirin for blood thinning?

Useful properties of the medicine have been discovered in medicine for a long time. They can be explained by the presence of a large amount of acetylsalicylic acid in the medicament. This substance can have an inhibitory effect on platelets. Its effect on clotting factors was not recorded.

Aspirin does not make the blood too liquid, but it leads to a state where blockage of blood vessels becomes impossible. Therefore, many doctors prescribe drugs for prevention.

How to take Aspirin for blood thinning?

How to take the medicine depends on the prescriptions. If Aspirin is prescribed for medicinal purposes, it may be necessary to drink it for life. And for preventive purposes, medicines are drunk in courses that recur through certain intervals of time.

A few years ago, the optimal dose for dilution of blood was considered to be Aspirin dose of 300-350 mg. Modern scientists have found out that in such quantity acetylsalicylic acid can cause many negative consequences. For this reason, today the standard dosage ranges from 75 to 150 mg. And it can be increased only in the most severe cases.

So that you do not have to press the pills and count, you can buy medicines that contain a small amount of acetylsalicylic acid: Cardiomagnum or Trombo Ass.

How to drink Aspirin to dilute blood during pregnancy?

The need to thin the blood is in pregnant women. But whether to take Aspirin for this is a controversial issue. In one voice, doctors say that in the early stages of pregnancy and before giving birth, it is better to refuse medication. In the second trimester, you can drink the medicine, but with very great care, so as not to harm the fetus.