Neonatal period

The time from the moment of the birth of a child to the 28th day of his life (inclusive) is called a neonatal period. This period, in turn, is divided into two: early (from the moment of tying up the umbilical cord to the 7th day of life) and late (from 8 to 28 days).

Early neonatal period

In the early neonatal period, the basic adaptation to the life of the child occurs in new conditions for him. Placental oxygen supply is replaced by a pulmonary supply and the baby takes the first breath. The small circle of blood circulation starts to act, the excretory system is adjusted, changes in a metabolism occur. In the early neonatal period, the child's skin is hyperemic - this is the so-called physiological catarrh. Often there is a physiological jaundice caused by the immaturity of the liver of a newborn baby. In the early neonatal period, physiological weight loss occurs and the release of the original feces - meconium. All body systems are still very unstable and therefore care for a newborn child must be careful and thorough. In this period, such congenital diseases as hemolytic disease, respiratory disorders, anemia and others can be found.

Late neonatal period

In the late neonatal period there is further physiological adaptation of the child to new conditions. Fully heals umbilical wound. With enough milk from the mother, the child adds weight and height. Conditional reflexes are formed, visual analyzers develop, coordination of movements. The digestive system continues to be adjusted, the stool changes from black-green to yellow-brown. The skin of the child becomes pink and clean. If the first day after birth the child almost all the time sleeps, then in the late neonatal period the newborn spends more and more time awake. At this time, he begins to respond with a smile to address him.

In many countries of Europe, on the recommendation of WHO, a concept is adopted, the purpose of which is the healthy life of the child. This concept includes:

All these principles reduce the influence of birth stress, contribute to the physiological adaptation of the newborn in the neonatal period, to its correct psychoemotional development in the future.