How to make a child learn?

Everyone knows that children are the continuation of their parents. That's why the expressions "all in mother / father" are heard quite often. But this, most likely, refers to the nature or any individual qualities, features, but not studies. Therefore, if parents at one time were good students and were an example for their peers, this does not mean that their child will be the same.

How to make learn?

Today, parents are increasingly asking the question: "How to make a child learn?". At the same time they go to various tricks: they promise a thing for good study, pay money for high marks, etc. But this does not always give a positive result. Often the interest immediately disappears with obtaining the desired.

That's why you need to follow the following tips that will help make the child learn well:

  1. Analyze the ability of your child. Each of us is individual and almost never repeat. And, as you know, priorities and talents are formed in childhood, preschool age. Therefore, it is the direct task of all parents to correctly recognize and develop them in the right direction. In such cases, tests will be ideal for determining individual abilities. It must be remembered that the future of the hockey player is hard to force to write poetry, and the musician to play, for example, in football. That is why, depending on whether parents can determine the unique abilities of their child, its success in the learning process will depend.
  2. Control should be moderate. No matter how hard parents try, they will not completely control the situation. At the same time, it's also not necessary to let everything go completely and give freedom to the child. Therefore, it is necessary to give the child time, checking with him assignments every evening. This will only show him your care and love, after which he himself will be interested in learning better.
  3. Form a child's interest in knowing everything around him. Since the moment the child began to speak, parents have heard not one hundred of the most diverse, and sometimes ridiculous, children's questions. It is from this time and begins the formation of an interest in learning something new, learning. Many parents remember how they forced the child to learn to read, while saying that he will become more independent and there will no longer be a need to ask the elders for this.
  4. In the learning process rely on your own example. Parents should constantly be aware of all events, reading books, magazines. If the dad spends every evening at the computer, and my mother watches TV at the same time, the interest in the child's homework will immediately disappear, because he will perceive it as some kind of punishment.

And whether it is necessary to force?

Very often, parents can hear the question: "Is it even necessary to force a child to study at all?". There is no unambiguous answer to this.

Some psychologists say that hyperopics , excessive control and constant pressure on the child will only interfere with the formation of the individual. The child will not be able to make a decision independently and wait for instructions from the parents. In addition, about any initiative of speech can not go.

Another option for answering the question of whether to force a child to study, will be an affirmative "Yes." Because of their immature psyche, children can not independently set their life priorities and determine what is important to them and what is not. That's why they need constant monitoring.

Thus, whether or not to make a child learn, parents usually decide on their own. Many of them only acknowledge their mistakes with the onset of admission to the university and regret that they did not give the children more time.