How much should a child sleep in 9 months?

From the duration of day and night sleep of the baby, especially at the age of up to one year, his overall well-being and level of development directly depends. A small child does not realize for a long time that he wants to sleep and needs to go to bed, so parents need to closely monitor the observance of a certain regime of the day and not allow the baby to overtire.

A newborn baby who only recently appeared, sleeps most of the day, however, the situation changes quite a lot with each month of his life. As the child grows up, his waking periods increase, and the total length of sleep decreases accordingly. To understand when a youngster needs to be laid to sleep, young parents need to know what the norms of a child's sleep at one or another age.

In this article, we will tell you how much the child should sleep and stay awake in 9 months, to always remain alert and rested.

How many hours does the child sleep 9 months in the daytime and at night?

To begin with, it should be noted that all children are individual, and there is nothing terrible in that your child needs a little more or less sleep than other babies at this age. That is why it is not possible to unequivocally answer the question of how much the child sleeps in 9-10 months.

Nevertheless, there are statistics, which correspond to the duration of sleep of the majority of nine-month-old children. So, most of the children at this age sleep from 14 to 16 hours, about 11 of which take them a night's sleep.

A child at 9 months is already able to sleep without nightly awakenings, but only a small part of mothers can boast of this quality of a night's sleep of their child. Most, on the contrary, note that their son or daughter wakes up several times a night and cries for various reasons.

Also, many parents are interested in how many times a child sleeps normally in 9 months. Most babies rest 2 times a day, and the duration of each rest period varies from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Meanwhile, the norm option is also a three-day daytime sleep, the total duration of which is 4-5 hours.

More detailed information on the normal duration of sleep for children under 3 years of age will be helped by the following table: