Pots for children

Disposable diapers are a very convenient solution for babies and their parents. But the time comes when the child begins to master the science of using the pot.

It is usually to teach the child to the pot begin in 1.5-2 years. The success of this case depends on the level of physical preparedness and overall development of the child. Earlier, during our childhood, children were taught to accustom to the pot as early as possible: as soon as the kid learned to sit on his own, he was planted on a pot. However, from the point of view of pediatric physiology, it is very early (first, it is unnecessary and unnecessary load on the spine, and secondly, the child does not yet realize what they want from him, and physically can not control the urge). In modern conditions such early and, it is possible to say, untimely accustoming to a pot is not necessary, because in the arsenal of young parents there are disposable diapers and automatic washing machines.

Choose the most convenient for the baby pot

The first step to learning is the choice of the pot. In children's stores there is a huge selection of pots for children, from the most ordinary to models with music. Pots come in different colors, shapes and sizes. Let's focus on several types and discuss their qualities.

  1. Plastic pots with a handle of the "Soviet" type are not very convenient for the child, because perfectly round edges can press the delicate skin of the baby. In addition, they are very unstable.
  2. Plastic pots, having an anatomical shape - probably the most convenient models. They do not turn over at the most inopportune moment, and, if the pot size is chosen correctly, serve the child for a very long time.
  3. Pots in the form of various animals and machines, of course, will be more interesting to the child, but only as toys. It's hard for a kid to realize why parents are so persistently asking him to "do their thing" with a dog, a bear or a helicopter. So let the toys be toys, and the pot will remain a pot.
  4. Musical pots are no less attractive to children. The peculiarity of them is that when a child pushes or pokes into a pot, cheerful music begins to play. Thus, a conditioned reflex is formed in the crumb, which contributes to rapid accustoming to the pot. However, this same reflex will be a minus, say, when going to the pot at night, outside the house, etc. Pediatricians strongly recommend the use of ordinary, not musical pots.
  5. Inflatable pot for children is an interesting and popular novelty. It is ideal for travel, because in a deflated state it takes very little space.

What pot is best for others is suitable for your child, it is difficult to say. Therefore, when choosing a model, be guided by the quality of the product, its size according to the parameters of the child's figure and its preferences. It does not hurt to ask the opinion of the "culprit" of the purchase.

If you bought a pot and he did not fit the child (uncomfortable, unstable, crushing), then do not spare the money to buy another. This will save you from many possible problems associated with the addiction of the baby to the pot.

A child is afraid of a pot

Sometimes parents notice that their baby looks at the pot with apprehension, refuses to sit on him and generally bypasses. This is a normal reaction to a new subject, which involves some changes in the life of the child. This itself goes away with time, just do not force the baby. Put the pot in a prominent place and give the child some time. Children are by nature curious: it will literally take a couple of days, and curiosity will overcome fear.

The second option, why a child is afraid of a pot and does not want to fulfill the requirements of his parents, is his protest against coercion. Leave these attempts for 1-2 months and hide the pot so that the child does not see it. During this time, he will forget about the pot, and then he will treat him quite differently, like a new thing.

In teaching children to use the pot, the most important thing is patience. Choose a model that is convenient for the child, and in due course everything will turn out!