Diet of a child in 7 months

At seven months the baby is already sitting well and moving actively - creeps or even runs on all fours. All this consumes a lot of energy, so nutrition at this age should be appropriate. Before introducing a new kind of complementary food, pay attention to the general well-being of your baby: whether he is good at adding weight, what his appetite is, whether there are strong regurgitations, bloating, any rashes on the skin. The main food for a seven-month-old baby is breast milk or a mixture if the child is an artificial person. But gradually it is time to introduce into the baby's diet 7 months of meat, eggs, cottage cheese. It is convenient to use baby puree from the store, but it's better to cook fresh homemade food yourself.

Courses for children 7 months

  1. Curd for an infant can be done this way: boil 1 liter of milk, cool it to a warm state, add 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream or yogurt, mix and let it stand on the table the night. By morning, fresh yogurt will be ready. If you did not use such kefir, put it on a small fire, and preferably on a water bath. He curtsies, strain him through the cheesecloth (let him hang about two hours to make the glass serum) - and you have a great cottage cheese ready.
  2. But the recipe for vegetable puree: we take a small potato and zucchini, we clean them and boil them, preferably for a couple, so all the vitamins remain. Grind in puree, add vegetable or butter and milk or broth in which the vegetables were cooked. In vegetable puree you can gradually introduce cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots and other vegetables. If the child at first does not want to eat such puree, you should not insist, it is better to postpone such a lure for 1-2 weeks. It is impossible to feed a child forcefully, as this will not bring anything useful, but only negative emotions for the child and for the mother.
  3. Prepare the vegetable mashed potatoes with meat. To do this, take a piece of meat, boil it, then cut it finely, add a little broth, which cooked meat, and grind the blender. Separately, boil a piece of vegetable marrow, carrots or potatoes and also pury. Then we mix both purees, add a slightly creamy butter and the dish is ready.
  4. You can also cook pumpkin and apple puree with porridge. One apple and 150 gr. Pumpkins cleaned, cut into pieces and boiled. We cook porridge from 1.2 glasses of milk and 1 tbsp. spoons of cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal or rice). Pumpkin and apple mashed and mixed with porridge. Add a piece of butter.

Baby diet for 7 months

For a seven-month-old baby, it's time to introduce a little egg yolk, which can be added to puree or soup. Gradually you can diversify the nutrition of the baby at 7 months with various vegetables and fruits: a slice of carrots, cucumber, 3-4 berries of raspberries a day, 1-2 strawberry berries.

If a mother raises a question about what to feed her baby in 7 months, she will need an approximate scheme of feeding:

As you can see, the number of feedings for a child at the age of 7 months is 5 times a day, and already three breastfeedings are replaced by adult food. This, of course, is a very conditional feeding schedule for a child of 7 months. After all, if you feed your crumbs on demand, such feeding per day will be much more: the baby is accustomed to constantly feel the mother nearby. But still the food at this age should be more diverse and correspond to the age of the child.