Cleaning the liver with folk remedies at home

Doctors say that periodically it is necessary to carry out this procedure, for this it is possible to use various pharmacy products, as well as folk medicine. About how the liver is cleaned with folk remedies at home and what formulations can be used for this, we'll talk today.

Gentle cleansing of the liver at home

In order for the liver to be cleaned at home, without harm to the body, certain precautions must be followed. First, consult a doctor, maybe you have a disease in which this procedure is contraindicated. Secondly, before starting cleansing, observe a diet, try to eat only vegetable food, sour-milk products and fruits during this period. Sometimes it is allowed 1-2 times a week to consume a portion of white meat, but if you can withstand the diet without much difficulty, it is better to abandon such a dish.

Now let's talk about the most popular methods, one of them is cleaning the liver with sorbitol at home. The procedure is as follows, first the person is given an enema, for cleansing the intestine. Then on a fasting is taken a glass of heat water with 2 tsp dissolved in it. sorbitol, then it is necessary to lie down on the right side and put a heating pad on the liver area. Lying should be at least 2 hours, after which must appear the urge to defecate. The procedure is carried out once a day for 7 days, after which a break for 10-12 days is done. You can carry out such cleaning 1-3 times in 1-1,5 months.

Another popular method is cleaning the liver with magnesium at home. For the procedure, you will need to purchase magnesia powder in the pharmacy. After this, you must dissolve 20 g of the drug in water, be sure to be clean and warm and drink this mixture on an empty stomach. After this, it is recommended to lie on the right side with the heating pad, in the same way as described in the sorbitol technique. The rest time will be at least 2 hours, after which you can get up and do the usual things. On the day of the procedure, it is forbidden to eat, you can only drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, in the next 2-3 days, you need to eat only vegetable and fruit salads. Experts recommend that such cleaning should be carried out on a day off from work, as taking magnesia can cause frequent urge to defecate, so it would be more reasonable to spend the day at home.

The method of cleaning the liver with herbs tested at home by many people can also be applied. To perform the procedure, you need to either purchase a collection of herbs for the liver in the pharmacy, and take it according to instructions on the package, or with your own hands prepare a decoction from the seeds of milk thistle. To prepare the mixture yourself, take 2 tbsp. seeds of a plant, fill in 0,5 l of boiled water and cook on small fire. Finish cooking the composition when the volume of water is about half as full, after which the mixture is filtered and cooled to room temperature. A decoction is taken for 30 days, it should be drunk by 1 tbsp. exactly one hour after eating. Keep the finished mixture should be in a dark place, preferably without closing the jar with cap nylon, it is better to wrap the neck of the container with a canvas rag.

Whichever method of liver cleaning you choose, the most important thing is to follow all the recommendations for the procedure, otherwise, the effect may be directly opposite, that is, you will experience not an improvement in well-being, but its deterioration. Also do not forget that if you have unpleasant symptoms, you must stop the course and visit a specialist.