Clenbuterol for weight loss

Clenbuterol (international name - Clenbuterol) is a drug used in official medicine for the treatment of bronchial asthma. However, its effect is much broader, which was noticed by losing weight. Taking the drug is able to activate the sympathetic nervous system and start the process of splitting fats - lipolysis. This drug should be given according to the prescription of the doctor, however, and because of its harmlessness, it is easy to find a pharmacy in which it will be sold without it.

Clenbuterol as a fat burner

Often this drug is used even by athletes as a fat burner . Its uniqueness lies in the fact that in parallel with the splitting of fat, this drug prevents the destruction of muscle tissue, which allows you to effectively lose weight, while not losing muscle. This was proved in one research article back in 2012.

In the world of sports in this regard, there were several high-profile scandalous studies that proved that clenbuterol was illegally included in some popular fat burners.

The secret of this substance is simple: it suppresses fat deposition in adipose tissues and at the same time enhances the secretion of certain hormones in the thyroid gland - those that are natural, natural fat burners.

For athletes, it is also true that this drug, designed for asthmatics, facilitates breathing, which allows you to encounter significantly different side effects. Substances that have a similar effect, for example, ephedrine, have a much worse effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to take clenbuterol for weight loss?

It should be understood that this remedy in itself will not save you from extra pounds, and in order for it to show its effectiveness, you must adhere to a strict protein diet with a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. Without observing this condition, you will not achieve impressive results.

First of all I want to note that in the dosage of clenbuterol for weight loss for women and for men there is a significant difference. Exceed these dosages can not be. Thus, we denote the boundaries:

To avoid side effects, you need not only strictly observe the indicated dosages, but also take into account all the subtleties and features of taking this drug.

The course lasts only 2 weeks, since after this, habituation is developed and effectiveness is reduced. After that, there should be 2 weeks break. In some cases, the so-called "pulse-course" is optimal: two days of reception, two days of rest. However, this scheme is not as effective as the classical one.

How to drink clenbuterol for weight loss?

To ensure that the drug was safe and effective, it is necessary to take it on an increasing basis. The optimal time for this is early morning, as the drug can provoke insomnia. When you are increasing the dosage, divide it into 2 meals: in the morning and at lunch. Consider the scheme for taking clenbuterol for women:

After this course, a two-week break should be followed, and only after it, you can go back to taking the drug (this time in a single dosage for each day).

Important! Do not combine clenbuterol and alcohol, as this can cause arrhythmia, nausea and other harmful side effects. Prepare the course in advance so that it does not fall on holidays.