Causes of dizziness in women after 40 years

The medical name for vertigo is vertigo. It is defined as a feeling of imaginary movement or rotation of one's own body, as well as surrounding objects. Causes of dizziness in women after 40 years are very numerous and require careful study, professional advice and diagnosis. After all, this common symptom can hide quite serious diseases.

Why do frequent dizziness cause women in their 40s?

The most likely factors that cause regular and strong vertigo at this age are quite dangerous:

There are other, less serious reasons for the constant dizziness in mature women:

Causes of mild dizziness in adult women

More often, representatives of the "weak" sex turn to the doctor with complaints about rare minor attacks of vertigo repeated with a certain frequency. They do not bring much discomfort, but they arise suddenly, and the most inappropriate moments.

Typically, such signs indicate violations in the work of the cardiovascular and autonomic system - a pathological increase or lowering of blood pressure. Both hypertension and hypotension are accompanied by a worsening of orientation in space, sometimes even a palpable nausea. But the vertigo is not is necessarily associated with these diseases.

Causes of dizziness in women after 40 years of age at normal blood pressure: