How to get rid of hunger - simple and affordable ways

The feeling of hunger is one of the main physiological needs of the body. In addition to true hunger, when fatigued, thirsty, depressed, there is a false need for food. Even at saturation, the smell and kind of favorite food can be perceived as a signal to eat. With artificial restriction in food, observance of diets can be a constant desire to eat.

Why does a person feel hungry?

Everyone knows what hunger is: rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach. A natural feeling of hunger occurs when:

  1. Abbreviations of an empty stomach.
  2. Falling blood glucose levels.
  3. Lack of water in the body.
  4. Activation of the center of hunger (hormonal disorders, lack of sleep, deficiency of vitamins and carbohydrates in the diet, the desire for pleasure).

After eating, satiety begins. If the digestive and endocrine systems are working normally, then there is a sense of satisfaction after entering the blood glucose. With psychological disorders and eating disorders, a person does not know how to get rid of hunger even after a heavy meal. A continuous desire to eat leads to obesity.

How to suppress hunger?

To reduce the constant desire to eat, getting rid of unpleasant sensations in the stomach can be applied:

  1. Drink a glass of warm water. It will relax the walls of the stomach.
  2. Eat raw apple, carrot, tomato or cucumber. These low-calorie foods are rich in fiber and the body uses more energy to digest it than they contain. Each piece must be thoroughly and slowly chewed.
  3. Eat a spoonful of bran with a glass of water. Dietary fibers increase in size and give a feeling of fullness of the stomach.

You can give yourself a physical load. Glycogen, which is released from the muscles, is perceived by the body as a signal of saturation. The easiest way is to walk at a quick pace. In addition to these methods, with fatigue and stressful conditions, you can take a bath with aromatic oil, make a light massage, drink calming tea. Helps reduce the feeling of hunger by switching attention to an exciting lesson, a hobby.

Herbs that reduce appetite and suppress the feeling of hunger

Phytotherapists know how to get rid of hunger, for this they use such plants:

  1. Flax seeds, althea root, and ivan tea, when brewing, secrete mucus, enveloping the walls of the stomach, appetite is felt later than usual.
  2. Laminaria, increasing in volume gives a feeling of filling the stomach.
  3. Mint, St. John's wort, linden and fennel lower the acidity of gastric juice, thus dulling the feeling of hunger in the stomach.
  4. Valerian, oregano, chamomile and motherwort calms and reduces the action of the stress hormone (cortisol), which causes a constant desire to eat.

Foods that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

To build a healthy diet, you need to eat food at a certain time, warm and fresh. Eat better in small portions and often. You need to know how to get rid of the feeling of hunger between the main meals - include such products in snacks:

Medications that reduce appetite and suppress the feeling of hunger

A strong sense of hunger, which does not disappear after a normal diet and a lot of excess weight, are indications for drug therapy. All central drugs suppress the center of hunger in the brain. The active substance - sibutramine, has the ability to improve carbohydrate metabolism, improves tone and mood. But at the same time it has strong side effects and is released by prescription. Trade names: Lindax, Goldline, Reduxin, Slimia. Another group of drugs based on metformin increases the sensitivity to glucose and its absorption by tissues.

Teas that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

If you know how to overcome the feeling of hunger with the use of natural stimulants, then there will be no need for toxic and dangerous medicines. For vivacity, energy and health, you can use teas:

  1. Ginger - fresh root cut into thin plates or grate, boil. Ginger reduces appetite , helps fat burning.
  2. Mate - leaves and shoots of the Holly tree, contains matein, normalizes sleep, metabolism and tones.
  3. Puer - heals constipation, reduces weight and appetite.
  4. Green tea - contains antioxidants and vitamins, gives strength and reduces appetite.

Breathing, dulling hunger

Those who practice oriental gymnastics Jianfei will not need herbs or preparations, since you can remove the feeling of hunger with the help of breathing: you need to lie on your back. Legs bent at the knees, put on the floor. One hand to put on the stomach, and the other on the chest. At the inhalation, the stomach is drawn in, exhaling as it rises. Breast - on the contrary. There are forty such breathing cycles. The rhythm of breathing is normal. You can after this little exercise do this exercise while sitting or on the go.