Drinks for weight loss

Any diet includes a large amount of liquid that helps the body get rid of all the excess, so drinks are one of its main components. In this regard, we have selected for you the recipes of the most effective beverages for weight loss.

Drink with cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is very effective at getting rid of extra pounds, because it helps to accelerate the metabolism, and its aroma dulls the feeling of hunger. In addition, from it you can prepare several types of home-made beverages for weight loss.



Pour cinnamon with boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, and then add honey. Half of this portion drink before bed, and put the second half in the fridge and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

No less useful is a drink with cinnamon based on yogurt, which also contributes to weight loss. The easiest way to cook it is to add a pinch of cinnamon to the glass of kefir, and replace it with a drink or use it instead of a snack. In addition, cinnamon can also be added to such usual drinks as tea and coffee, and it will also help to burn extra pounds. But the main condition is the absence of sugar.

Slimming drink with lemon

Lemon - an excellent fat-burning agent and drinks with its addition are simply irreplaceable with any diet. But in this case it is important not only what to drink for losing weight, but also when it is to drink, so that it brings maximum benefit.

For example, water with the addition of lemon juice is best served on an empty stomach. It will help your body to wake up and get rid of the toxins that formed overnight. At the same time, the best amount of lemon juice is regulated, based on your feelings. In this issue there is no strict measure. If you can not drink water with a lemon, then try adding a little honey to it, it will make the taste much softer and more pleasant. But in this case it is worth remembering that if you make a drink with the use of hot water, then honey should be added when it is slightly cooled, and in any case not in boiling water. At a temperature of 50-60 degrees, honey loses all its healing properties.

Another great drink with lemon is regular tea. Only as a basis for its preparation is better to take green tea. Just add lemon juice to your cup and drink this drink at any time of the day, when you want to quench your thirst.

Another no less effective drink for weight loss includes lemon and ginger.



Ginger root, wash, peel and grate on a fine grater. Water pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil, make a small fire and send to boiling liquid ginger and black pepper. Cook all together for about 10 minutes. Finished drink strain, then add lemon juice and honey to it. You can drink this tea in a warm and cold way.

Slimming drink with lemon and cucumber

Those who are ready to try something unusual, we will tell you how to prepare a slimming drink with cucumber, lemon and ginger, which is also called Sassi's water.



Ginger grate on a fine grater, mint wash, and cucumber and lemon slice thin circles. Mix all these ingredients, pour them with water and leave to infuse for the night. In the morning, strain the drink and drink it in any portions at any intervals. The main condition - all the prepared portion you need to drink for a day.