Custard bread - good and bad

Bread is the head for everything. Without it, some people do not even imagine the process of eating. It is prepared from a variety of flour with the addition of both traditional and original additives such as coriander and rye malt. The last ingredient is the main ingredient in obtaining custard bread, the benefits and dangers of which will be described in this article.

The Benefits of Chowder Bread

First of all, it is necessary to explain what is meant by custard bread. When cooking flour, mixed with malt, pour boiling water, and only then knead the dough, including yeast, salt, spices, etc. Among the most significant useful properties of such baking can be identified:

Therefore, when asked whether custard bread is useful, it is possible to answer in the affirmative, but there are also negative sides to it. Persons with gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity of the stomach and flatulence, it is not recommended to use it. This applies to people with allergies to gluten. Diabetics can eat it, but it is dosed. In any case, in case of doubt, you should first consult with your doctor.