Garnet - useful properties and contraindications

Garnet is considered one of the most beautiful fruits. And indeed, its transparent red seeds resemble a scattering of precious stones. Perhaps for its beauty, as well as for its unusual sweet and sour refreshing taste, this fruit was considered a gift of the gods and was very often used as a ritual offering in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. But a little later people noticed the use of pomegranate for health and began to eat it in food and in everyday life.

The pomegranate is a southern guest, he loves warmth. It grows in South America, in the countries of the Middle East and West Asia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, and in the Russian open spaces it is found in the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. This tree can live up to a hundred years, but it is distinguished by a capricious temper. In particular, it does not tolerate direct sun rays, and when the ultraviolet overabundance ceases to bloom.

Chemical composition of garnet

And the useful properties of pomegranate, and contraindications when used as a food are associated with the chemical composition of the fruit. It contains:

Garnets contain only 52 kcal / 100 grams, but they contain a lot of carbohydrate compounds that are easily digested.

How many carbohydrates are there in grenade?

The pomegranate contains about 14% carbohydrates of the entire mass of the fruit. But the proteins in it quite a bit - less than one percent. Thanks to the abundance of vitamins, pomegranate has a powerful stimulating effect on the human immune system. Vitamin C in its composition provides a powerful support in the fight against viral diseases, vitamin PP strengthens the walls of blood vessels, B vitamins optimize the work of the nervous system and improve blood flow. But this is not the only benefit of garnets.

Useful properties of pomegranate and contraindications

The benefits of pomegranates and contraindications that limit their consumption in food have long been discussed by dietitians and supporters of healthy eating systems. And although experts have different opinions on this issue, they all unanimously believe that there are too many garnets harmful to any person. You should eat fruits in moderation.

Contained in fruit tannin - tannin - has a harmful effect on tuberculosis, dysentery and E. coli. Therefore, the pomegranate is endowed with excellent disinfectant and antibacterial properties, it is good for diarrhea . The abundance of microelements in garnets has a beneficial effect on the walls of the vessels, strengthening them and optimizing the whole process of blood circulation in the body as a whole. For this reason, it is often prescribed to eat patients in the postoperative recovery period, as well as to elderly people and those with poor health. Due to the high iron content, garnet successfully helps in the fight against anemia and low hemoglobin. It lowers blood pressure and improves the rhythm of the heart. Both fruits and pomegranate juice help to remove radioactive compounds from the body.

Has pomegranate and contraindications. It is not recommended to eat people suffering from high acidity, frequent heartburn, gastritis, and also having ulcerous and other such diseases of the stomach. Do not give grenades to young children under the age of 4 years.

The fruit contains a lot of organic acids, which can spoil the enamel of the teeth, so after eating it is necessary to rinse your mouth with water. Contraindicated in the reception of pomegranates to people who are prone to constipation and suffering from hemorrhoids.