Stroke in cats

Is there a stroke in cats? Fortunately, it is not common, since these animals, unlike humans, rarely suffer from hypertension, and besides, cholesterol plaques are not formed in their vessels. Yes, and bad habits of cats do not suffer. However, there are diseases that can lead to a stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to know the signs of a stroke in cats, in order to help in time and save the life of the animal.

Symptoms of stroke in cats

Stroke is characterized by a depressive or drowsy condition, indifference and even coma. The cat dramatically changes its behavior, ceases to orient in space, sometimes it becomes aggressive. Her conditioned reflexes disappear, as well as reflexes on one side of the body. The animal can walk in a circle with the head down. When stroke is impaired vision, and the body of the cat bends in one direction. If the stroke touches the muscles of the throat, there are attacks of suffocation and breathing is disturbed. The cat hardly takes food and with the same difficulty defecates. In very severe cases, stroke leads to loss of consciousness and paralysis.

For a stroke, both in cats and in other animals, there is a rapid increase in symptoms, so first aid and treatment should be immediate.

Types of stroke in cats

Stroke is ischemic and hemorrhagic.

To ischemic stroke lead to kidney and liver, thyroid, diabetes and Cushing's disease. The risk of getting a stroke occurs if the cat's vessels are clogged with parasites, fat or a tumor.

Hemorrhagic stroke is observed with poisoning or with diseases that lead to a violation of blood coagulability, including trauma. For cats, poison poisonings are especially dangerous with rat poison.

The diagnosis of a stroke is made by the doctor on the basis of an anamnesis and examination of the animal. In the veterinary clinic, X-rays, ultrasound and a tomogram of the head are performed. Will help to put the correct diagnosis of the electroencephalogram.

Treatment of a stroke in cats is aimed at removing inflammation of brain cells and removing the symptoms of the disease. If you help the cat in time, the improvement of her health will come in the first three days. For treatment appoint antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and sedatives. If necessary, attributed neuroprotectors, antioxidants and vitamins , vascular and cardiac drugs.

After a stroke, a cat needs rehabilitation. It requires attention and care. Therefore, regularly change its soft litter. If the cat can not move, it must be turned very often so that there are no bedsores. Faster put the cat on his feet will help physiotherapy.