Ringworm from the kitten

In the kitten, the body is not yet strong enough, so it can easily catch any disease, for example, ringworm . Many owners want to know what to do if the kitten has found lichen and how to treat it.

Signs of depriving kittens

Lishay - a chronic disease, the incubation period with it can last up to one month. If you notice round spots on the skin of your kitten, on which there is no hair, and they are covered with crusts and scales, it means that your baby may have been infected with the lichen. Therefore, it must necessarily be treated, because lichen is a contagious disease that is transmitted not only to animals, but also to humans.

Lishay is a fungal disease spread by fungal spores that can remain viable for more than two years. In this disease, the head, neck and limbs of the animal are most often affected. If the disease is not treated, the spots can merge and affect a significant body surface, the animal can become very thin. Sometimes a kitten experiences a small itch. Often deprive strikes the claws of the animal, which begin to grow incorrectly.

Treatment depriving kittens

To treat a kitten, which showed lichen, should only a specialist. Short-haired kittens, in which lichen spots of small size, are treated with antifungal ointments. If the disease is neglected, then in addition to the ointment, medicines in the form of tablets are used for its treatment. If the long-haired kitten is sick, then around the stains should be cut hair so that you can apply ointment on the damaged skin of the animal.

To treat lichen in small kittens, you can use special therapeutic lotions and shampoos. Another effective way to treat lichen - a tub of sulphurous lime. However, treatment is not very pleasant because of the sharp smell of the medicine.

Remember that the deprivation of spores can easily be transferred from the animal to other objects, so the owner, when caring for the kitten, needs to carefully monitor his hygiene, and the diseased animal must be isolated from other pets.