How to take birth?

All cases of the birth of children outside the medical institution, it is customary to call emergency childbirth. All of them begin suddenly and proceed swiftly. Therefore, at times, there is almost no time for hospitalization of a pregnant woman.

The birth began, what should I do?

Many spouses, faced with such a situation, simply do not know how to take delivery and do it right. To begin with, try to calm the woman in childbirth. Immediately call an ambulance! While the fights are going on, the husband can massage his wife's back, the area of ​​the sacrum, and also the hips, in particular their inner surface.

When the existing fights, join attempts - contractions of the pelvic muscles, which are very similar to those that occur during the act of defecation, it is necessary to put the woman on a flat surface. The legs are bent at the knee and hip joints, and they are turned back. Particular attention should be paid to proper breathing. During the bout, increase the number of breaths and their depth.

Before you take delivery from a woman at home, carefully treat your hands with an antiseptic. As it perfectly suits soap, after which it is better to treat even alcohol, in extreme cases, vodka.

Then it is necessary to carry out the treatment of the external genitalia. To do this, use a weak solution of manganese. After that, you can treat the legs, starting from the fold of the hip joint, to the top of the thighs, with iodine solution.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the moment when the tension of the perineum occurs. That's when the head falls into the pelvic cavity.

When cutting the head, immediately support it with your left hand, and the right help to pass the shoulders. At the same time, the top comes out of the shoulder. It is very important not to get ahead of the events and not to pull the baby out.

The rest of the trunk is born without difficulty. As a rule, by the time of circumcision of the umbilical cord, an ambulance arrives, whose employees, having squeezed, cut it.

Thus, every future father should not only know how to take emergency childbirth, but be prepared to do it himself.