How to get rid of snoring to a woman?

We are accustomed to believe that the rolling, disturbing snoring at night snoring is exclusively male prerogative. But this opinion is in fact mistaken. Women snore, and sometimes they do it better pohlesche men. There are many councils about how a woman can get rid of snoring. Most of them are completely safe for health and very effective.

The causes of snoring in women

In fact, snoring is a disease caused by a decrease in muscle tone in the throat. Very often, the seriousness of this problem is underestimated. Many people consider snoring harmless, not realizing that it can cause a stop of breathing.

The reasons for which women may need to treat snoring, there are a lot:

  1. One of the most common causes is the wrong position of the body. According to statistics, people who sleep on their backs snore more often. The reason for this is the relaxation of the muscles of the larynx.
  2. Snoring is a problem most often faced by people who are overweight. A large number of soft tissues complicates the passage of air through the laryngopharynx.
  3. Surely you had to notice that after drinking alcohol can begin to snore even those for whom this sin was not previously.
  4. Another reason is the individual physiological characteristics.

How to cure snoring in women?

As with most other diseases, in order to cure snoring, you first need to determine the cause that causes it. Often the treatment process is fairly simple. So, for example, full people, in order to get rid of snoring, you need to get yourself back to normal and lose those extra pounds.

Since it is almost impossible to eliminate snoring from a woman who abusers alcohol, you will have to give up the habit of normalizing your health from bad habits. Which, however, does not hurt even those of the fair sex who do not suffer from snoring.

Worse, if snoring is the result of anatomical features of the structure of the throat. In this case, you can get rid of the problem only by using the operation.

A very popular and effective procedure is uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. In the course of the procedure, extra soft tissues are removed from the pharynx and mouth, covering the respiratory tract during sleep.

Another great way to cure snoring in women is somnoplasty or laser surgery.

If necessary, adenoids and polyps are removed. In some cases, plastic of the nasal septum is necessarily required.

If the prospect of surgery interferes with you, you can try a special mask. The device is put on the nose and ensures a constant, uniform airflow to the respiratory tract. Due to this, a person stops snoring.

Special medications to treat snoring in women are infrequent. Basically, only to eliminate a runny nose or a virus, because of which the airways are hammered.

Very simple gymnastic exercises are very useful, like turning and tilting the head to the left and to the right. Walking on fresh air, try to breathe with a whistle and repeat the sound "and" several dozen times. This is a good and very effective training of the laryngopharynx.

How can a woman be cured of snoring with folk remedies?

Several recipes that help in the fight against snoring are also in folk medicine:

  1. Detailed cabbage leaves are mixed with honey and taken for a month on a tablespoon daily before bedtime.
  2. Olive oil also helps. The agent should be buried in the nose for a couple of drops twice or thrice a day. Such treatment lasts up to a month. If necessary, olive oil can be replaced with sea buckthorn.
  3. Distilled water and decoctions of herbs are very useful.