Gravity in the stomach - causes

If you become more and more often feel the heaviness in the stomach, the reasons first of all should be sought in eating habits. Often we do not realize all the benefits of proper nutrition, we believe that the desire to eat healthy food is another trend of fashion and affects only those who have an excess of free time and a lot of money. This judgment is fundamentally wrong. In time, replacing food addiction, you not only minimize the risk of diseases such as gastritis and cholecystitis, but also significantly improve the overall condition of the body. By the way, these diseases are also often the cause of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. A kind of vicious circle!

Possible causes and nausea and severity in the stomach

To begin, perhaps, follows from the fact that the feeling of heaviness in the stomach can be chronic and situational in nature. In the first case, we are talking about diseases of the digestive tract and unhealthy lifestyle, in the second - about one-time overeating, visiting a banquet with a plentiful alcoholic menu, strong stress and the like. The most common regular gravity in the stomach is caused by:

The last item can include both problems with the digestive system, and endocrine diseases, as well as neurological diseases, for example, bulimia and the habit of eating stress. There are also congenital pathologies - gastric reflux, gallbladder valve reflux, and the like.

The reasons for the constant severity in the stomach are usually associated with these disorders. In addition to this symptom, nausea, flatulence and other signs of digestive disorders may occur. In this case, you can not do without a visit to the gastroenterologist. Heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, the cause of which are internal diseases, require immediate therapeutic measures.

Situational bouts of severity in the stomach can be easily eliminated by one-day fasting, or holding a day of unloading on kefir. Effective are also sorbent preparations , for example, Sorbex, Enterosgel.

Gravity in the stomach - causes of non-medical nature

The reasons for the severity of the stomach in the morning are directly related to the habit of overeating at dinner. During sleep, the metabolism slows down significantly, because all that is eaten remains in the stomach "dead weight" until awakening. It is not surprising that we wake up in this case with a feeling of great discomfort. In order that this does not happen, you should adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. For dinner, choose simple dishes from vegetables, dairy products, fish.
  3. Portions of food by volume coincide with the size of your two fists. This is the approximate size of the stomach.
  4. Thoroughly chew food.
  5. Do not drink liquid 10 minutes before meals and for half an hour after meals. Of course, only if you have a light soup or a glass of kefir for dinner, this rule is canceled.

This is often overlooked, but the reasons for bloating and heaviness in the stomach can be hidden in the absence of a culture of cooking. Some products do not fit well together and in people with sensitive digestion can cause discomfort in the abdomen. For example:

  1. It is not advisable to simultaneously eat meat and milk, as well as all derivatives of these products.
  2. As a side dish to fatty meat, it is better to choose vegetables, not cereals and bread. In this case, cheese and dairy products, on the contrary, are better absorbed in combination with cereals.
  3. Cabbage and beans in one dish will cause flatulence and swelling even in a healthy person.
  4. Poorly get along with salt, fresh fruit and milk.

By the way, the reason can be not only in the wrong combinations of products, but also in individual sensitivity to one of them, allergies.