Gender differences

Often you can hear that the representatives of the strong and fair sex are completely different, literally came from different planets. About sex differences everything is clear, but with the gender difference between men and women, not everything is so obvious. Even more complicates the misunderstanding of the term "gender", which is not synonymous with the biological sex and has no direct relationship to the hetero- or homosexual orientation of a person. This concept is broader, used to denote sex-role behavior in society, and gender does not always coincide with the role that a person performs.

Gender differences between men and women: reality and myths

  1. Many believe that gender roles are prescribed to us by nature, it is impossible to go against it, and therefore they are not subject to change. In fact, most characteristics are acquired during life, this includes upbringing, different requirements, occupations that are devoted to time. That is, under appropriate conditions, a man and a woman may well change places.
  2. The next myth concerns the differences in emotionality, it is believed that for this indicator, men are significantly inferior to women. But the results of research do not confirm this, the good sex can boast only the best ability to express emotions , which is not surprising, given the age-old traditions of raising boys, prescribing to them an extreme degree of restraint. But the ability to empathize and identify other people's emotions in men and women are approximately equal.
  3. The family needs women, for the stronger sex it is nothing more than a burden. This opinion is popular among young self-affirming men, and girls are educated in this way, programming to take responsibility for family well-being on their shoulders. In fact, having received a reliable rear, many men find the necessary impetus for further development, someone is helped by peace regarding everyday problems, someone sees in the family the meaning of further victories. In women, not everything is so rosy, in most cases, family happiness deprives opportunities for career growth, the reason and prejudices in society, and the banal congestion of household chores. In addition, according to the results of the research, married people live longer than bachelors. But the beautiful half of humanity shortens its life by acquiring a family.
  4. Intellectual differences between men and women in most cases are also contrived, in any case, neither the results of tests nor brain scans have confirmed the established stereotype. The ability to manage finances, too, does not depend on sex, on the whole women are more likely to invest more and try to take less risks. But the reasons for small investments in projects with high risks associated with a smaller amount of free funds from women.
  5. There is a well-established opinion about the similarity of psychological features within each sexual group. But in fact this is not the case, women and men living in the same culture and similar social conditions show differences in behavior in about 10% of cases. But within the gender groups of diversity there is much more. So there is no universal female and male characteristics.

It turns out that in the established opinions about the gender differences between men and women, there are more myths that have nothing to do with reality.