Cramps in the legs - what to do?

When there are convulsions in the legs, it is important to know not only what to do in order to eliminate the attack, but also how to carry out treatment in the future. It will help to forget about such trouble forever.

First aid for cramps

Seizures are called involuntary contractions of muscles, which appear after their strongest tension. They are always painful, and those that appear at night can cause such severe pain that people even break into a cry. They say that when the legs cramp, do massage or other actions do not need to help remove the muscle contractions pin prick. But it is unlikely that this method will be effective for everyone. After all, not every person can prick himself, and not always a pin can be at hand.

Therefore, in order to stop the spasms of the legs as quickly as possible, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. If you are lying down, sit down and grasp the thumb of your foot and slowly pull the entire foot towards you. Usually immediately after such a movement, the attack does not become so painful.
  2. Dissect the muscle that cramps, hands. To do this, one of the arms is pulled from top to bottom, and the other is unclipped and squeezed muscle tissue. Sometimes the pain is so strong that it is difficult to force yourself to perform such an action, so if there is someone close to you near you, then ask them to help you.
  3. Stand up barefoot on the floor, where there is no carpet, and try to go. The colder the floor, the more relaxed the muscles of the feet. For best effect, you can put a wet towel under your feet.

If there are cramps of the toes, know that doing all of the above actions is useless. Try to pinch your finger. Perhaps this will not work out the first time, because at the time of such involuntary muscle contractions the finger will be like a stone, but then you will feel that the cramp stops.

Treatment of leg cramps

If you have leg cramps, you need to undergo treatment, because without it, such muscle spasms "come back". Adherents of acupuncture recommend to all who are seized with cramps, once a day, preferably before going to bed, pinching the skin over the upper lip and slowly pulling it away with the thumb and forefinger. This helps, since active lips are located on the upper lip, pressure on which stimulates muscular relaxation.

When you decide to treat the cramps of leg muscles, then be sure to start doing exercise therapy. For this it is necessary to do such exercises:

  1. Standing on the floor, put your foot crosswise and lean on their outer edges. Hold in this position for 10 seconds.
  2. Vigorously bend your toes for ten seconds, and then straighten them for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  3. Sitting on a chair, raise both legs and make several circular motions with your feet.

Treating convulsions with folk remedies

To get rid of cramps in the legs, you can hold a course of treatment with the help of preparations containing calcium, vitamin D and magnesium, because their deficiency in the body provokes the appearance of such muscle contractions. But in addition, it is very effective treatment of leg cramps with folk remedies. To do this, you can use these recipes:

  1. 20 g of birch buds (dry) brew 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, strain and take 70 ml three times a day before meals.
  2. Cook the potatoes in a uniform, make a mashed potatoes and, putting on two pieces of polyethylene, put on the night to the eggs, necessarily tying them with a warm scarf. Follow the procedure for a week.