Soup noodles - one of the favorite Russian soups, borrowed from the Tatars and firmly established in our diet. The founder of soup noodles consider Tatar soup tokamach.
Most often this soup is found in three varieties: chicken noodle soup, homemade noodle soup with mushrooms, and a dairy variety of noodles. In other national cuisines, for example, in Chinese and Thai, there are variations of noodle soup with seafood, there is a noodle soup with pork or a vegetarian recipe on vegetable broth. A variety of noodles can be called and beloved by many Tatar soup lagman.
The preparation of noodle soup is approximately the same in all recipes: first prepare the dough for home-made noodles, which is dried and cut, then broth is cooked, in which, as the last stage, the noodles are boiled, and with it is fed.
Home-made noodles are usually prepared from wheat flour or from a mixture of buckwheat and wheat. For mushroom or milk broth is better suited noodles from mixed dough. And in the eastern tradition for soup is prepared rice or egg dough.
To make noodles you will need:
- 1 egg;
- 1 cup of wheat flour, or 0.75 cups of wheat and 0.25 cups of buckwheat;
- 100 g of water (buckwheat takes more water);
- 0.5 tsp. salt.
A steep dough is kneaded from the products, which is rolled out with a rolling pin, as thin as possible (a layer up to 1 mm), then it can be rolled up on a roll, sprinkled with flour and cut into strips, or let it stand for 10 minutes and then cut.
The thinner the noodles are cut, the better it will turn out. In any case, before cooking soup noodles, the billets from the dough should be dried.
How to cook chicken noodle soup?
Chicken noodle soup is prepared on chicken broth with seasonings. For this soup you will need:
- 1,5-2 liters of chicken broth;
- home-made noodles made of wheat flour;
- 1 onion;
- bay leaves, peppercorns black - 6 pcs. and fragrant - 1-2 pcs. salt to taste;
- parsley and dill greens, 2-3 cloves garlic.
The boiled chicken is taken from the salted broth, it is sorted into meat and bones, the flesh is cut into cubes. Finely chopped onions are spread on vegetable oil and added to the broth. There are spices, and noodles.
Noodles should not be cooked until ready, as it will still reach the hot broth and preserve its dense structure. Just before turning off, chicken cut into cubes, finely chopped garlic and greens is added to the soup. Before serving soup, you need to brew for 10 minutes.
Homemade noodle soup with mushrooms
Very popular with cooks is a delicious noodle soup with porcini mushrooms. The main merit in this after all is primarily the mushrooms. Such soup can be cooked from any kind of mushrooms, and give it preference to vegetarians and mushroom pickers.
Preparation of noodle soup with mushrooms according to technology differs little from the chicken variety:
- 1.5-2 liters of water;
- homemade noodles;
- 5-6 white mushrooms (fresh, frozen or dry);
- greens and celery root, dill greens, parsley;
- 1 onion;
- 1 carrot;
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- bay leaves, peppercorns black - 6 pcs. and fragrant - 1-2 pcs. salt to taste.
Purified mushrooms are boiled in salted water, after cooking they cut into strips and thrown back into the broth, with finely chopped vegetables. Spice is added to the boiling broth, noodles are added and cooked almost until it is completely ready. Soup is seasoned with herbs and garlic, you can add 100 g of sour cream.
How to cook noodle soup?
Preparation of milk noodles from other kinds of soup differs only in that the noodles are cooked almost to the ready in salted water, and then they are already transferred to boiling milk, so that the dough is saturated with milk taste.
To prepare milk noodle soup you will need:
- 1.25-1.5 liters. milk;
- homemade noodles;
- 0.5 tbsp. cream;
- 1 tsp. salt.
In boiling salted water, noodles are boiled to half-cooked. She leans back in a colander for 2-3 minutes to make the glasses water. In boiling milk, you can add sugar or salt, depending on what kind of milk noodles you want to cook. At the end of cooking, cream, greens (for salted) or raisins (for sweet) soup variant are added to the soup.