Mushrooms with cream

What to cook for dinner today? This issue for many housewives is a real headache. After all, we always want some variety in the menu. In pursuit of new recipes, we sometimes forget about simple, but very tasty and original dishes. Let's consider with you how to prepare mushrooms with cream.

Recipe mushrooms with cream



Champignons properly cleaned, washed and cut into slices. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add butter, salt and pour the cream. Stew the dish on a weak fire for about 30 minutes with the lid closed. We serve as a sauce from mushrooms with cream to potatoes, pasta or buckwheat. Champignons with cream are ready!

Chicken with cream and mushrooms



Cut the fillet into small pieces, and mushrooms into plates. Garlic is cleaned and crushed. In a frying pan, warm the oil and lay out the garlic. Then add mushrooms and meat to it. All thoroughly mix and fry for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

This time in the bowl we pour the flour, add a little cream and mix thoroughly until smooth. Then pour a little more cream and mix again. At the very end, carefully pour the cream to the white mushrooms and meat. All right, stir and wait until the dish boils. Season with salt and pepper to taste and whip a bit. Leave the fried mushrooms and cream to stew on the weakest fire with the lid closed for 10 minutes until ready. We serve the dish hot, decorating it at will with finely chopped greens.